1. Domestic Relations - Welcome to McKean County PA
The McKean County Domestic Relations Office provides services to custodial parents seeking financial and medical support for their minor children.
Director ofDomestic Relations
2. Family Law - Welcome to McKean County PA
Physical Location 16975 Route 6. Smethport, PA 16749, Mailing Address 500 W. Main Street Smethport, PA 16749, Fax: 814-887-3265. Email - Click Here
Statement of Purpose:The purpose of the court is to justly decide the controversies presented. We do that by treating all people with dignity, courtesy, civility and respect. Listening carefully, considering conscientiously, and deciding wisely.Applying the law with impartiality and integrity.Providing a forum that is fair, in a setting that is dignified, safe and clean.Recognizing the Court's responsibility to protect the rights of all citizens.Acknowledging the Court's duty to encourage where possible, and to compel where appropriate, every citizen to carry out the responsibilities owed to one's family, community, state, and nation.Because ultimate justice cannot occur without eventual reconciliation, all court staff will attempt to create an environment in which reconciliation can take place.
3. Pennsylvania Child Support Program
On-the-go access to child support information and services. My Cases. Register or log in to manage your profile, settings, and cases.
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4. Pennsylvania Child Support Program
The Child Support Website has a new login system. All users must update their login credentials before they can log in to their account.
The Pennsylvania Child Support Website is an easy way to access child support program information and case details. If you would like to request support services online, click the button below.
5. Domestic Relations Section Office Addresses
Geraldine M. Redic, Esq. Deputy Administrator Allegheny County Family Division 440 Ross Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-350-0369. Armstrong ...
This is a list of the Domestic Relations Section Offices which handle the support cases in the counties contained in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court's Western District of Pennsylvania area.
6. McKean County Domestic Relations - PALawHELP.org
Services provided: The McKean County Domestic Relations Office provides services to custodial parents seeking financial and medical support for their minor ...
This site provides legal information and referrals to free and low-cost legal service providers in Pennsylvania.
7. McKean County Domestic Relations Office - Smethport
21 jun 2023 · The non-custodial parent is a billing authority for the child support payments. McKean County, Pennsylvania.
8. Title 23 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS - PA General Assembly
To any person authorized by law to solemnize marriage: You are hereby authorized to join together in holy state of matrimony, according to the laws of the ...
9. Domestic Relations - Monroe County PA Courts
Bevat niet: smethport | Resultaten tonen met:smethport
The Domestic Relations Section (DRS) is a court office that helps parents apply for child support services, establish paternity and support orders, and enforce support orders. Child support is money a noncustodial parent pays to a custodial parent to help provide food, clothing and other necessary items for their child.Child support may include medical support, payment of uncovered medical bills and contributions to child care costs.