Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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I A dosint-sittbd 7 Opatiments ('ntornisheti 41) (Apartments 4 r) (Houll I utnshti 51) Oom r(lonol''1mn) ores tOIT777111 2219 ITH AVE-600 to 1000 Scitlar trOtt brick btilldtmc ottfrs ni wag Doren At Doutitiaa Pilltam went Ctwtractors ViA430 EMPLOYED LAnY will share ntre home or rent bedroom to WoriLISS lady garitge SMALL COrTAGE nice clean Erithlaire air-conditioned eol eine rounlei bill paid Ile reek tD' 7072 utmost writ tower" otnrk In rigthres tor soIL good least 500 Cheyenno Trail CFI Orld or WIIld WILL crafts used rat lot modern (Wire building lth furniture needs 10-utithl CAFE FOR SALE Ono or tho best drive-In cafe In logo riood lease SAM will Ilan nie balance tattoo A nuttier tilliter Wtitill Do 33 StarTolegrain LOUIS 1 sire MIMI redecorated nice furniture bUs paid bus open couple 8ti-38W NEAR Carswell and bell: oriel-Fill' rooms and closet bed all 11 lis mid only $88 50: children wanted 2314 Houston NO-103 CLEAN 2-room aoto 1702 EM tools Adults SEE TO APPRECIATE LAKE ati mime 12 bed rooms) nicely fdrnhilleiL Will Ai Ibodroom brick eareat apt eat- cent children $ad ninoth CE1214L peted ihruushout tile Oath iiitrhein NICEITY tiTillialie bowies SU UP earmee and WI room Y108 TIM- Rental Asence ElD64b2 hernial Di 1cu3200 eaveit ilti itworat 2 ROOM8--ba-ili handi- to tail ed)k-room duplex pin W14178 well 641 River itd NIY8322 (Howie tnlutnithPd 52) CA anied 1 0 kent GuisT coTTAGI $75 month vas and water Data 5UO LovU $1- 3313 BACHELOR apartment MI 50 week tater 6 a 804 PennWvants Ave atitk I rotke klovsrri) 3N0034 3bath residence 2ear Nol Noe ht remonotibla liitIy (Ala atiaratiteed 100ab7 REINED couois dratra 1 or 3 bedroom holm ro484 Ws4414 WANT to rent Mee or 1 room hotiee vtcittitY Crestwood Montt NO-3601 EnTERN Itiectrte onoineer ants 3 or 3-bedroom Unfurnished honey itt Weat litilogira area Iteltrable tenant Basinger tiloYar'a 101e MOTHER AND child I need rocon oh Ent hen orivitrava or apt In home with meta rare ot and Vicinity nt Cattlemen a Cate box 51 Star-1 eleit am FORT WORTH RENTAL KEN VICK Pree to landlord iteet masa ot tenants Eit-b4b3 P11643 CiENTLEM AN want room prtrata Mon stays central heat In mod ern Private home Aritinitim Willett or tINAt CRI kr AtiAil hot 46 Otar-Teintrant tit AN I ICI J-toom ut Iowa hr bedroom In An lite near lieleitts bunion center by oritin cotton tiest Wet eneas limtera pr 0741 l'ITY RENTAL sFuvitcy E'RER Aim tooperte imenient and sales A6130 W14uni 3-ROOM same apartment $6 5 month water paid Atter I 804 Pennsylvania Ave 2-ROOM apt bills paitt $11 50 Week 1510 Wicket F0-5323 2-ROOM private bath bus schools 800 bills paid: 1321 College WA-081a AR! tit* --2-ronm apt nice couple or 3 boYs or atria PE6354 NICE 4 rooms titivate belh Por-ohl bills paid W1-9570 TWO-ROOM apartment separate entrance South Summit bus line WA-0145 POLY opt nes IY dem at- ad 411 bills paid strata Couple LA 7 CLOSE IN-2 rooms and private bath Children welcome Bills paid 445 month 1105 Peach or all VA-9577 et tldrat ni sax propertiec 600 to 46000000 1nertran Otl Co box 3114 tionat0n' liEtirittiAT HIL CM OK MAJOR Olt t'I) CR!) YOU malt molter drilling wildcat discoverlea tor dry helot I hen drill on nir magnetronntrieler repot Lc I have been checking IMPS Correct or over lirt tPlIr rnit it I terttesd in lulling to 1461 Car-Moot Rtille tilott Worth Telt)) ii I urroah amine and tithing for Illterett( $11 producing welts Boa 40 Fort Worth ar-liletraranL 121 ACIDO4 tor leani near Club dodriet itioltheitat Britivelioet We County Oil LInetn tt A I in 1)11111aNtilid ormductIon or drilling semi-Proved location it'll than 4000 fret Send nartivillare a to location and pike to Don 4t43 Dallaa Teta 0 Prann1 it) port Worth StorTelegrom Saturday October IS 1952 Evening Pogo 11 0717T7741 11T) Welt Bide Area 75A RIDDLES VENT 11449 DOWN PAIFIAX riOVO COOditIOO 1lik bedroom dining area tile tumors Cyclone fence walking distance school: Owner leaving Must iU nnw MOHAWK MIMIC: flidaloa's finyst 2 Dew 3-bedroom homes tilt furnace guarantee that roof patio I closets plumbs- for artier largo MG finance Vs bargain PAMPAS gliA 2-bedroom Vacant too condition many extras in down oarmentl walking distance io hoot 1111-VItit nem listingst outstanding large 3-bedroom home tie con-damn ming xtras' a lovely horng 114oP thiS 0111Fti Invfli FHA 3 and 2-bed ri)11111 Iffittil1 to show MIMOSA North: Mime? leaving Pg OA Oita 2-bedroom brick firepla a tuthare large kit hen and bed- rooms doubl closets largo Orionis fenced lot natio nn hos OP 2 school- ill Oda 10-11321 PE-6121 395 DOWN imiuki roortl framE I gear ohl tip-top toodition ills drain and bath rilr01101v financed 4 no Inan expense or credit requirements Pg1191 Des LA-7394 814-5241 AUI NTH 41150 down noun frame Wes rooms IIfly incated to school Itrowm MA-I'291 Wir-1147 Puri Will sacrifice beautiful 1-yearol4 ink I-bedroom thildelr 7 floriFIF ArralrittPd for comfortable IIVtfl Alrcadv financed Malta mg fin off pr )It MP liii income neat cmfi to-Mmill Cali Het 0 30 rt ARLINGTON 111 a 4 rooms hullo lot EllA toirri fr 14 Vivo poseoloo 141 01144L IA EDWARDS WI WI WI 2411 WEI4T 41 gArmir bits! lecinsWTS'latt COMPLETELY FINISHED NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME Built on Your Tavel Eot For a Lo 00 DOWN tHAILITT-houses for ren7-Fewl7 reconditioned and repainted corn Mete' furnished well toreted near industrial North and West ide All utilities furnished See et call Mr Nichols 2231 Jsclisbogo High IMP phone MA213b East Rob arts Cut-Off Rd and Agit Ave ANTI lifii 34-12 West 4th Street 3 rooms bath garage 81675 week 3 1521 cOliEGE attractive 2 rooms bath employed coupit W1-11492 3-ROOM DUPLEX 1 or 2 adults 016 11 Jenningk FA-8533 after 6 if4ivato 91zoold 1901 SAIESTRIDOC SH-8330 In bellitaillii cool Ridable 1 Ind 3DedrOoM aPtil re decorated laundry facilities fenced play areas for chil- dren shopping area bus and stores near-by close Proximity tO Scoots Li nen week dare II a to it Sundays 1 ti to 6 1 bii id 0 Di-4 11crEit 1 i -1! I 1 i rT i a i d- -1 1 4P- rooms 544 Ti i i bath igttars 1808 Washington Apple ---C --r7t-witt-fruTifft-6-5 -tire bath and shower meters In sou Die WI-9247 slid- "effiVliettneY dello garage apartment 1111-11068 2 11-60MS redi7Corateci r- 7 AK 3-tooli ems tor-condi tioned electric boxes 122 iAf Hattie 191y ii IL 4 aild li-r9(2m apartments bills paid L0-5440 -141-CELY Itiin'ished 4 rooms bath upstairs 1808 Washington applY apt 3 bath and shower meters in sou pie WI-9242 1CU--2-Pcdroom atiblec also ell demi garage apartment W1-9088 2 ROOMS redecorated LA-1796 1 2 AND 3-roolt ma air-condi Honed electric boxes 122 tV Battle LOWLB 4 and ft-room apartments BEDROOM lovely borne eMPIOre4 GENTLEMEN-NteA bedroom' Meals lade IWO Oth Ave VV1-0811 I optional NO-5683 NO-109 41-111 cite 2 men Mg i R-6-051" AND BOARD for men only private bath entance PE-3061 i Must have references 2501 Axle Ave WANT nicT-WIT-Co sh-are nice room PRIVATE' south room garage: delt: with Christian girl twin beds 3028 1 mous meals 1804 Sth Ave W1-9620 College WE-088e -4-- I MEIZ-Downtown home 2 meals CERT-LIMAN sol-11 trint-ir-Trirge day 113 810 1st closet 2834 He'1101111 WI-2116 FAMILY STYLE weals an" shift 71'cif-Aiireitive south room brick 3008 Hemphill WE-3238 ilarptshoweLlikrage WE-41534 NORTH SIDE-Family styli- meal WEEKLY rates- 11 per person 2 lunches jacked all hats hot bia- In room twin beds modern on etiAts Al von ean eat 110 week veniences Plaza lintel 303 Main 14 rt 24th NO-5381 downtown Port Worth PA-9263 NICE ROOM delicious meg sT-7-iFiiii GENTLEMAN Desirable well fur er' private nomei men NO-1584 Planed room In tante privates brick NICE' ROOM shower home eooka home WI-4841 Mee la Optional Man NO-63611 MELBA He 1101 Houston weekly HOME-cookeri meals Parka Estes elevator room phone P0-244 All 1118 Lit PA4k124 MILAM HOTEL 840 Monroe MirS-OR ORIRLS A Clean Place to Live ID-0141 1409 Penn01111MS EPA-0454 100M nice borne kitchen Privileges gt-)ER---igieW- Minerement MI optional for businene lade LA-1243 Virginia Lodge corner of 1th and TRINITY HOTEL-- Penn St Room and board ill Under new management Hot and F94858 Cold running water trlepnones end MEN-Single berle good -fria-Ww- fans in ever room Rate per er TV Sunday breakfast 112 week and up 4o objecttons to sh*t Hemphill 1403 main St P01003 igliFIT-TH5Mr-rovr working girls: ItEAL HOME-weekly rifie i7i3i111-) es with meals 1420 8th Ave WA1811 -Antler Hotel 160114 Main FA-0706 SOUTH SIDE Private entranct and parking 3 meals and Sundae it omen permitted and 17 breeklast excellent food boiled ell SA-0163 week 1320 Summit P0-8710 'BURNET ARMS HoTE-tfrivate 812 week- -1-4-36 "bower phone every room PA-8395 VV Tucker Corner Summit ED-0702 -SOUTH ROOM nufit-Frime lade Or tr81 ITT 1212-El paso Plan 1610 Lipscomb WA-2853 semiprivate room twin beds A nice 'NICE BEDROOM near Harris Hai: place to live ED-4685 pital TCU bus man 1A-5062 Summit I odge 111 per week SOUTH BEDROOM adioins bath 1212 Sundnit ED-0718 Privato entrance gentleman MA- $il W-EEK 'nien good food park 571 in 1623 Rh Ea-0012 Tcu BRICK -K front room ITrivato IiiiaitE E0OM in ChriA tail-Erik entrance garase optional WI-7538 with 1 gentlemen ED-51124 -ARL HIS room ininilne bath ljf OR li-ED nettenf licenser ollower near Bowie Theater hom Doctor's reference f0-3275 PE-6362 -PINSIONERS 1364 South Main ARL HTEL-3113 7th-Tub and recent" ED-0846 shower private entrance bus and I el enhone PE-5940 VACANCY for elderly In home of reeistered nurse 1301 West Can-LARGE bedroom private entrence nnn South Side gentleman WI-2472 ROOM AND BOARD: gent lemen: COMFORTABLE with television reasonable excellent food W1-1258 Reliance Hotel 920 Monroe ED-0338 NORTH SIDE-Gentleman: private entrance 1107 Ave MA-3500 ments furnished 41 YCLI-----11eiTiliful front berrio-om 1101 BRAND NEW brick efficiency ant University Dr WI-1118 1306 May St Central heat Milt ARL fITS Hillirest good borne PaiSeeeeot itehts Reaeonaole Arr for I or 2 girls SU-2125 Me Laurance Fine slower 1--AROE bedroom linens furnished PulutsV WI-4204 except 2 sentlemen Bus near cafe off 21st Sr MA-3938 EVAR APTS Mr-conditioned Apitrittiwith Ihiffililed BR AND NEW brick Pt firteney ant 1306 May St Central heat bills Paid except brills Reasonable An Plv Laurance Pine blowers 407 MR01011 W74204 except Sunday WA-2727 ROTA RT APT?) Air-conditioned bills FAMILY STYLE seals ang shift 3008 Hemphill WE-3239 NORTH sips-Semi lv still meal lunches ea wee acked all shifts hot ist cults Al got ean 11A '102 24th NO-5381 MOH ROOM delicious mea a17-iFoir- ere private nomei men NO-1584 NICE' ROOM shower home eooka MPRIS optional Man NO-63be HOME-cooked meals All 1116 Like PA-6824 MEN OR GIRLS 1409 Petal011111111 PA-0484 tagEER-14114- Immurement no Virginia Lodge corner of 1th and Penn St Room and board ill week F0-1858 er Tv sunday breakfast 112 Hemphill NIcE HOME for working girl) with meals 1420 8th Ave A1811 MEN and and parking 3 meals and Sunda breakfast excellent food hoard tit week 1320 Summit FO-8710 -der' 812 week- 1-430 Tucker Corner Summit ED-0702 tr'IST in 1212 El Paso semiprivate room twin beda A nice place to live ED-4085 Summit lodge 811 per week 1212 Summit ED-0718 lir 07k i4r-iiin food ink 1623 IN 'Rh PA-0012 -14-RARE ROOM in ChriAtaFToine with 1 gentlemen ED-51)24 UP OR BED patienta licensed home Doctors reference 60-3z -PINSIONERS 1384 South Main VACAIVat-lnr plderly in home of sexistered nurse 1301 West Can- non iW ROOM AND BOARD: gent ien: reasonable excellent food W1-1258 BEDROOM ladY 1700 et ARL HTEI 2 private bath WANT nice i with Christie College WE- GENTLEMAN closet 2833 home shows WEEKLY ra In room tw veniencee downtown Pc GENTLEMAN Planed room home W1-411 MELBA Rae rates elevatol A Clean Pia 100M nice I optional for TM Under new I Cold Mining fans in ever Week and up siren 1403 lk ItEAL HOME Antler Hotel 'SOUTH SID company ps SA-0163 31116111-751 shower phon -SOUTH ROO man 1610 1 NICE SEM Val TCU SOUTH BEL Privato ante VII BRICK entrance gal -ARL HIS ehower ne PE-6362 Aid shower oilyi telephone PI LARGE bedr South Side CONIFORTAU Reliance Hot NORTH SID eotrance 17( 'fa' ir i yawl University ARL fiT13 for I or 2 tA-R7OE 'bedr 2 'gentlemen 2Ist St MA Oltsliinpse 4'11611es 1o0) IMAMS' 0 111 'gird IsCREDITACM St MI6 0 710 7 10 71 0 710 710 ATTRACTIVE room brick Otiblek bus 465 W11177 Nell fltdcuiic design lower do Plot tile bath central heat eon ventent Aring ton Heights location EU-Stint 2721 AIM SITS unfurnished apt 4011 Lsif avette P1121381 PIS HEMPHILL 4 ROOMst NEWLY HpLult VIED Lite AIRS (ALL Si I -1153L 3-bedroom apt floor furnace venetian blinhs hardwood 5 large closets fireplace sarase WE-6138 APT FOR rent 1710 Oth Ave bills put P011016 3 rooms reasonable nice settled couple LA36'14 Ant 1118 1-toom sot walk-1p closet and garage comnietelv re decorated a ater turnihed couple no children PE32611 jons 1115 8711 AV-4-room on south apt prisate faith 150 E116686 3111 ME-A-t161411110014 5-room duplex heat bus stores: 1 rhilit 106855 ANt) 4 rooms North Ride-i' Vent- tient circulating heat: good iotation 500 A'ehet wNe4aa NotrrNwrsT iron Worth 2-bedroom duple ants range and WateT flirrOgbPd West Haven Apts Office 2305 Wainer Ave NO-3350 BRICK duplex 4 TOI garage Couple am Paingew W1-0762 NUT EAST EROPPT spartme-nt with" big front pont Close in Poiw A'oodrow 11111655 PARK VIEW AP ARTMENTS7 CAMP Bowl end P114000 t)t pile-bedroom ants $an and $85 Re frieerator range and utilities fornihed shopping renter 10 1114111U I roto town A-1137 Lits: TEX As WI iv-rooni sot welk111 closets 665 month EA013o 1 A-11141 tiARAi IF Ar1-2 Israe roomti-end bath 450 water veld 3001 AveK ciorns Tolth and rage 105 month 1326 4t13 SUE 1203 NFW Batumi spl Riverside near bus shopping V11614 rooms neat bus adults F0-2283 3 ROOMS upstairs apt to settled employed couple MA2820 115113PFRSITW DR 1 bedroom apt adults soh MA-3323 V3725 BRAND Nrw virago ant Plentw closet space Nolith shore Lake Worth I )0 1411-3576 31i 1100MH was and Ater furnished 1110871 BEDROOM kitchen bath bills paid 1305 Presidio LA-1514 SOUTH 3 roo its private hat venetian blinds large closets 7011 riratiner 3 11AlitiE bath 1412 West Pulaskt 1111143 NEWLY decorated 5 rooms Applv 1131 Hemphill NICE 3-room apt nicely decoristed no thildren W1-2752 Arl'KACTIVE room aria eingiblea vu bltt Slits WI1177 NICE 1-rooln eificiencv for 1 FrisWave 4P2 8 Main E11-713a APL MOO month PE-4139 BOOMK private bath working couple 2240 fith Ave WI-7005 POINT8-605 Riverside: 3 nice rooms bus stores VA-2250 2-ROOM apt upstairs: al-so eletplog rooms and ellicieneles Bills Paid Beacon Motel MA-01140 2 ROOMS bills paid elrtrie box couple 255 month FA-0410 300 Testis 1017 brick tile bath garage Adults 110 Nice 2-room Pt ex Ira large V1-0116 3 ROOMS bath bills Paid 120-4 Hurley W1-1908 3 large roma walk-in cedar-lined closet nitrate bath F0-2179 NiCF 3-room efficiency insulated private blithl on bus working girls 155 WA-1307 1-ROOM effiriency ta week On bun line NO-51011 1107 IN Central b-ronin Avvls7 Ic1)-64b7 rooms $10 Children Rental AgentY E1)-S4S1 3-110OM houica and bath MA-1333 41'42 Lov wrs 8-room rt decorated brick fenced Yard near school bus shoppina Center 1114 month 1-010211 CONVENIENT to Consolidated 4 rooms and bath 860 408 Redford Lane SU-3322 Au MOUN'tAIN acres a rooins goOciout On lake ISS month ED-1432 lioUSES 3 rooms anti-porch each stater furnished utilities available Not modern 318 and 325 moan 101040 "Il7-1100M house 11104 Idoewood Terrace RIO per month RICHLAND HILLS--3442 Kingsburl 4 bectroorns $123 per month ('rut Mtin big back fenced yard M'E322? -7'OMP1E1ELY private near bug o'na Shopping center unfurnished cot take ideal for clay sleepers or works ing Connie Take baby 3112 Janie Ave 3 ROOMS bath garage garden chirkens Southeast Poly 1 A4063 RIVER OAKS-4 rooms doubts gii risme fenced hark yard stove and refrigerator 126 PE-1912 NEW 2bedroom house $113 4809 Mc('art 3 ROOM duplek 3108 SHE rt $OIITII IIPVE 2-room house Paved street near school inn church anti Mutes 54150 Lt) 04 PRIVATE HOME-3-bedroom 2-balh Idea' for children References reoutrud I 10 FA 69161 1111111 PARK -3363 I-bedroom home lot rent WE-0071 8-ItOOM HOUSE "carnally furnish Nt 604 Ramsey Wit-5519 before 12 noon 3-1tOOM bath 460 2814 Malone St 3 blocks of school bus Itectee'rated VA-1931 RIVERSIDE 2-bedroom children welcome405 3 SMALL ROOMS bath Sins paid 112 Mason Apply 112 1 Mason WAs8023 3 ROOMS' and bath West Side 4113 ER AMER 2-bedromn rime Panel-ray heat Venetian blinds new garage: VIS per month Wit-1133 RooMit anti bath Itts month 3300 St MA-2411 I-AIRIE 3-room house bectroome garage Call W141196 MY hoine for rent 14011111 Side r000 1)F bath wool auxiliary Star- Telegram Rog 2i1 1204 1111111EN crooni hittie Hans attic tan vellighood fenced back yard 820 After 8 in and similay fall W1-2866 Tin attrai five 5rolitn houe lex lime 21129 Lubbock 813100 WI-akil 4 ICONS on bus ISO 3018 Tiniber floe lor WEST 81101111 Ensile Montiticin Lake large room modem house all cons tenlencea nice piece to live LO aing 2 liElillOoM tootiot floor finnaces 211 Mi Cal 0 a ni to 6 In alter 8 WA2215 NEW 41 rooms I reef Ivo rear stile Adults 21120 2461 EWING Ithiglea VIest--1'T3eii rooms tn PP: 1144 --TWO-BEDROOM 811111113(11tI NPW 4-rocor duplexes electric refrigerators stoves and water fur nihtleti SO SO inontb I AltS14 CO MASioui 2635 rt St LOANS $2500 TO $100000 emit hv We Oil Of month COCO OOP Pruhl tiervive NT Itutotot'fil tot ind Iv Wait ii utuuttrett and ox amille by tit official Wit wont to omits you I Wan How nArlittut Ft Worth Loan Finance Co Ili) me St Ph F07405 1-tl'ANH COMMUNITY Finance Thiift Corp Int 110ILI8TUN (limey ittAXV Nttil et I 4 OatrilLne Is il i i I i 1 1 NORTH rooms bills paid das employed couple IA14 Homan 1-1011SE trailers electric refrigerators close to bus 280 Belknar BACHELOR federal employe will hare rinse in duplex gentleman ED-1840 2319 lApscomb ED-7838 PrilVAIE 2 rooms itkci bath 815 a 'seek LA-5489 atter and Sundae itnd Simpler 3 EFFICIENCY apartments 1008 Belknap ED-0125 2 LARUE rooms newly decorated in private home bills paid Adults no pets F0-6281 SOUTH SIDE--Desired young lady to share apt WE-2578 NORTH 8IDE-2 rooms private bath Frigidaire bus 112 NO-1025 4-ROOM apt water paid Adults only 260 1501 MYrtle WI-1880 1 LAROR room apt also 2-room apt WA-5910 1509 Hemphill 2-11E1)1100M apt private em- ployed adults FA-0030 liEtntoottl living room combined kitchen child care W1-9016 NEW 2-room apt private bath bus day employed 310 Hemphill NEW 260 and $6 couples or style River Oaks ED-tbeit 131I-51172 3-ROOM apt with sleeping porch 2240 colire WI-1012 210 Richmond 2-room apt near Hemphill bus take infant WA-2416 ATTRACTIVE private 4-room 2- bedroom apt adults 4182 Hemphill V1-3162 TC11 modern upper duplex S62 50 Hills paid Emoloved couple WA20 6 NeP 1060 ho 11tinglIIIPS ()pi? Cifir1(11111g1 Phony 10-1104 a 4 Cu oli3 Main Paid 7th and Summit Apply Apt IOC 600 Summit COATES ROTE! A PTA Want a tine downtown home with hotel service? You will or oroud 01 your horn at the Coates Be the new ants and rooms todav An ideal home rot those who live alone couples and busy executives A quiet nome-like atmosphere NO transports uor problems 611 fitit 4111 PA-5316 BRICK South Ride 4 rooms hat 980 bills paid couple ED-11S2 IlOtisli trailer eleene 4 elect-Firc re' ri ye rotor apartment a tove 3419 Belknan A PTS children welcome Reid Hotel 110241 Houston 1110P'ITAHLE Aubotiom provers market nod quarters A so0 oily al MO 10-1W1 Alit' Heal! Co CAFE Industrial loret ion ttut klon Cho colored dinine town U111 iuutUu 11utluu Pow Caro 70 1sitynNter FAOSSS P4RINER Vt A N't can imet III onni business Hui" tent tot retut no on Votit Alwittt1 'M01111'411 Ott could br avtive lloot tve Meese sive (111 rso nod itiome notitoof in of der to NH olio not total Inter 'cis lir fro 1414041 ex vhoolool Itox Atl St wr11ritol CI iu itt MI st I Kam close to itril Alt vi ntt lis kstIn It 001 ION Telt like itooti ear or wilier tioune Pleol uI tnui Iurni Can son VA 4024 (11tOCEHY AND minket contniele pet tol Itnfuiuu clean stork Iuuufluui tieskonable lent BAP itilt CHAIR nod combination Mole tor Intober MA-81111 Vt'ebb rA1111m1 WI) drive-in Non rrenm nod satoiwiciten (1004 Wet 1 es as town tliton(n ttuljuL "lions yew-- round operation 0011 rithi)11 tor elling: terms to roy00nlote permon Tots' prier 17tiOtt HP113 IloW At 'I viegrain FOR SALE COMMERCIAL BOAT DOCKS 60 Full Two 21 fib Tile buildings' Two (Idris tour tott EVANS BOAT DOCKS Lake Brownwood Brownwood TeLAS OR SAI Soft Ice Ciento atoll hattibut ri ttuu-Iui IlAt lIuuiI In et ton and 04ittlioturnt A ITC itionry-mitiArr Box tot al 'IP inu til1111 STA I lu )N IIu litiletth inventot ellib FWAI 11iniodoort 44 It 1000 0110111E For kale hw tria uuuuut Itt 4101k Awl 1141Inek WI 0140 NEW rATiriN located nn 4 14110 kilighway util Iiimlie or trade 2413 lit MA 0414 lot( a 1410 lit lo rIl ittuor 1101 Malt' St ke't uu luiti fu irsi- '2701 Lall(ANter IA 1411 i ownitNroi it) Arm ACT VE comfortable wince dtipim 3 room' and bath Connie only AM W14952 EAr1111' MT bath garage apart nirnt Niro view of lake Witter Oa id 40 CE1-30A4 LARra! 1-ROOM APT for family Newly decoratflt fltIl bald 3044 V11-3408 1nIvtt flT arm liflt 13 Larce mom and kltrhenvIte both bilk paid on boa $70 Open WY-017 NICE bedrooms private entrance gentlemen only PO-8584 BEDROOM with kitchen Pr Thieves Connie or 2 ging VA-7501 GENTLEMAN Nice room tile shower 2224 5th Ave WA-7150 PRIVATE bath entrance $7 50 week 10-1510 418 Ballinger 'ICU cornel room private entrance close to bath fRitrlig0 Wi-9568 NICE downstairs twin beds private entrance bus WI-4422 room with private bath entrance and garage for gentleman W1-5i485 ARL RTS large bedroom knotty Dine wall private entrance bus stores Gentleman SU-5386 nowwrowN redecorated bedroom iielmed employed men 712 'W 2nd NTS 2 bedrooms garage for 2 gentlemen St week each PE-3813 NICE bedrot gentlemen or BEDROOM 1 couple or 2 GENTLEMAN shower 2224 PRIVATE hat 10-1510 418 TCU cornet close to bail NICE down vate entrane bath entre' gentleman I ARL wall stores tint -DOWN-TOWN Refined em 'W 2nd --ARL HTS arage for each PE381 and $4226 per Month Includes intorest htsfts SIKK WIWI WIMP AT pooh 1 A M141 441 hi' rt" h114411PC nftotr Multnly and Phil" Iliffi 8 linols fl 1-bolittlom pitons and f'smo howfts hey(' evoysltilits 'nom 'very doy tilork Mf4t Yl Lome 11111sm soul Tfts Blvd hll S1141 Polley 1244 litillarn 1411161E MILS Covels 3-betirimut full dining ilium Morvftl Sttcheri firerges tioillile Rams hftatillIN fully istalsyshod scouts 10 overlook lin gulf couysp TA-Nizi WE41'111 1411 WW1 $1300 DOWN HMO Wt'" 3-ne41 ronts 14114'11'M porise eyrellent conll 11ii btil WIIIYtt nosy Can soli' Carswell 611lla 011hort Or" hit ASO 10 1111110 bus resins a repair 010 1110'1041e I 11041 11101 I ASP LOAN CO P11011 etiNVPPriltPrii HA Aka 4 Loa Cost (Plitli Meryl riterriN1 1(AANMESI rod it or5 I tiii is ic 1111111 14111 arrow licn warm it II rilAlloulit tot covit 11PN Nulkal purchased Cad pr-0482 P0-2t8IP ATTENTION BUILDERS BUYERS AND SELLERS Wi tiqVt in 1111110W nt fowl' tor ionVttiti1111111 iliti it A IOSTI FRANK BLISS Co 410 000C1 PIP lturt A filla 2 ROOMS bat 114 week bilk Adult 140B Iktkin PA ktiAl GARAGE APT decorated 2 tOOTYIN and bath karkke fiknilhed Wilk mild 10-6416 271(1 Porrett AVP 4 it 00M8 anti bath ltnr room 3 bedrooms I twin bedroom adults nnIV PSO CollPuo 0 (0711 And Hoard 40 (Room An a-nalts Fort Worths IthP11 downtown spirt ments Featuring our television lob by sun deck and year around Jr conditioning FIRST AND BURNET STS F0-7453 SOUTH SIDE modern brick attractive redecorated 2 rooms Adults SW Bills paid WA2594 LARGE I-room efficiency" good In cation private entrance MI5 bills mud WF2tin WANT AN OFFER! 1 mminow HICK HOME IN 4 ONNINIINT ARLIN 610 A11011 IlIonk II It NAI IAN IUI Iti IA RAGE arm ovoimt h-liOOM Brick dupla $05 El 641 tir EA10169 3-littoM sid orlistto 111-0602 POI 2104 Vomt large 2-hrdroom riiitOrs 1rairr paid 10-11111 LAMLE 3 rojos bath Choir to boa Bald 2511 Bomar LA-0110 4-1tooN1 BRICK DUPLEX (Undo PE5141 NEWLY DECORATED Ap'r svalkinit distance of town 1621 lib Bt B112587 MODERN 3-room duolsa with garItg IKI Oakwood VA-111i1 2 3 AND 4-rumn too Call artt4 in wrsk days All dui Boo day NO 3821LMA-4544 Two prartivalli new 3-rmim doplessa tile baths floor furnace Ventatuaid $65 month 3124 11rInakton and 32211 Merida Attar 10 a tall WA-5622 RIVERSIDE 2817 Bird meals allare room gentlemen 112 week VA-2252 Side in pd vote home Meals 7 days week 1424 Jefferson WA9328 SOUTH SIDE orettY room twin beds 1412 Fairmount WI-0318 PRIVATE and semi-vrivaie rooms or men and racanci for 2 Idris F-0-9097 RIVERSIDE ehare room VA-11252 0 ENTIEMEI vate home I Jefferson SOUTH SID beds 1412 I pRIVATE ei for men at r0-9097 no11115111 NORTH BIDE garage aut to collide or virl MA-2906 2 ROOMS bath South Side on bus eXceptional WE-6111 EXTRA nice South side Sti5 month utilities paid VVA-5322 10-4694 HOME like apt nicely furnished private bath bus adults NO-5274 LOVELY 3 rooms upstairs TCI-1 bus 1 child bills paid WI-8087 2415 PRIMROSE attractive 4-room 101WPF east apt lovely neighborhood garage bills paid Couple VA-7342 GARAGE APT South Side two rooms bath couple 160 bills paid EG-1152 lose4 anion LES TROAS 920 College 3 lovelY moms bath garage adults Flt 9950 Outstanding Restaurant 3 1Alifl root Mervel $12 week Ni drinking Peach T-TinOM diir1r thft: iiduIt r09617 after 5 rr A'Pek111VA 3 1100M14 1)1115 paid 211 50 week 112 San Angelo 8i in Penhrook PE-5550 2 ROOMS North side near Achno1s1 Bills 110d MA-Via? 1 AND 2POOM lipto tipstaira hoi and cold water Frigidaire No children 1114 Mast 2 ROOMB ntePly furnished private bath and telephone hill5 Paid Working couple or working larly 2tra Thannit I 0-1401 AIM STS and 11P011 3 rooms private hoth 1160 month Take Infant 1100 Lisbon CIARAtiF apt large private bath hills paid 160 514 Collier grt9104 PM SU garage aPt fm010Yrt1 ndtiIt 1101 Pare near 2401111enip1ill l'tol 8 IFNNINCift- 3-roonl 452 2- room $50: hills pairt: Cf11111 2 -ROOM or 3-toom apt aL 4111 NIFLV furnitiled garage apartment In Arlington Heights all hills paid 10 month No elithiren References Corner of Ashland and Lovell BUSIIIESS DIRECTORY lOWV11111101i110 10 16 1111V I Vit I We mearl or inn rpai ratite mortgage Mang Armored Ow first demi on both realtiontlel end buatngag monrIII 1 FA224I TRUST DEPT littlikt NA111)14411 BANK tiotes 4141 maul mato (11 (14 eV ROO HHKUI IMO A Ingot am P10-114111 Ju MY IIPP A It VOW 1111110 la milistint la 1 ditt)t too vs (All tinent repair Or rodItiornt evrr a 10 rear twrind at miRotlithi0 I or it KIP Can Our wont outgo Man department for Infametin IIIJ nAr PA) 9010 WI A I'd F4 'Mint VI LIP IC IMIIIILANCK LOMPANY 4POOM hmi 1 bedroom --neiti et) $6b WI-6771 6-110061 till X( Plietit condition 1126 month It 13 pow tint in I Pit Otit tor 110 SO vt'k Will ari opt oltirt MI Ni 13 ata4 at Oak hittot IMonc VA -6101 109 room' nett Con volt 660 month Pr 11 ItOOM-11n-invc C44 Medd" -0920 51 tiooMm 111 mind 4136 Phiatter rilvatra 4111 frosstisir xtf2721 210 trams holoo lorafrel on nod SSA not Into rs111tit 1)11111r10411 1rattno 4 IA trogettalo--1141rom Dante cot lorav double torero Irso as pin SC csolort TA 2249 MUST SELL 1413 Davenport 4lka mama 5 sears ool redecorated colts email down Pavollent It von rill ItithiLl 110)41 Oti pVitirlitil for a ishns rt 9 los Conner liossr11 903 ROCK-TOTAL $4450 WW1 mono 4's rooms 7 'Para tIl tossertos shale Vora fsnrod )attl conalliee late model csN 00- nave iodate I Pr Wort Conort Poole'' rrIWlA4 16711 tgoNNIZ TIMM op" 3bel toot' hoopoe art-toot lot (MI No 1111111 f1110130 WM down Ii month firs wood 041)-4029 4 BEDROOMS ONLY SIAM DOWN Earelleitt lit(Itytt iil lib(tit tom high kitty yi htlitst It two 'meta Nil! Ii rYI NMI Vrt ttiitt It Limit letho r111 Owner hrit rtkttn tin selling PI It'Pti 01 IM 11Al Aillitir Kit by ()II its t'A-tiliAti Ilowe WE Sit ititA LI ku it Eqattitylird Irma El) 020Y 0hitift NICE 3- oppi to( beim( I NCii I Wert or all li) 1'1302 (irivein- (or sal's' 14011 Abstrao to A IOW Insensetwe Al itAI)10 awl TV Invite shop for I gale t4tt-1104 UOUNt t'Ark Whitnay rocas 't rade tot Outlaw and MIRY in 1 bowie or good car hoz 31L Whit 1 Taaaa 1141W or SOMA 1111F OLO Jilt Tv 015 Texika Alit II MeV! 01 Mt' 'Bit Ti 116111 ii At A 1 Pi i rails txr 7 Art I 3 ROOMS share bath adults only 010 week Uhl Paid Itn-1283 0111 ARE extra nice hom of bushteas lad'' I or 2 atria private entrance all home privilesea WA-1221 All HACTlVF duplex 110thIt room 1 bedrooms bath kitchen VA-I 500 3-ficifiTvi working couple preferred: NO-5104 2112 Loraine Post KALE Compiettly equivved liambur P1 and loot bP-r RI' IN' th Imlirtirig itsrtillit stunt flood kIIit vie 11000 or will 1111 ittros sepitrotril VA-0626j or 11017'4 :71 I AV 1 re21k HeEtNiIrPlAilliicV' Paid 8U-6011 Efficiency Apartment General house Repair SA Painting Paperhanging- SC -i Clir les Motel 4705 Be lknap LINCOLN AVE --2 rooms pAPERHANGINO painting CnuPle CE1-2463 nig no OrInknoc Hublu wEma ROOMS with bath 115 week 1sdig-q paoerhangit-ur bills paid 70t1 Esrex VA 5734 guarant ol IC 52' 2219 HURLEY 2-bedroom PAPERHANGING pitinting-T5e--6xtbil adult': 887 water inc No Job Lou small VA-all PAINTING ros es ETICELY furnish-id 11-rooms com- timates wit and out E- plftely private adults WI-8163 -GUARANTEED gatisfaction in -lb otector and exterior decorating NICE 4-ROOM furnished Accept small Chttel L0-5207 54-1i7ELY-FIlliblisliEG privite PAPERHANGING -25 yeari marl- baby welcome 415 So Adams tole 1A1-2364 -loa HENDERSON-2 eonms pri- vista bath 115 week A lso lficiencl -PAPERHANGING -112 room tip If 8-loot ceilings MA-74 00 110 week: bills paid Adults -51-17-EIZIORTintertj -Pidtaing CR NICE 2-room apt Private bath og near hoppin renter FA-0161 bedding and text-oiling WE-7I04 1---A-1-41-4-i-A-Nlit -Nu is -----)-b 7- -NICE 2-r oom b-r-Fri: art DrIViiti WE-4253 Imilc bath Adults WI-2473 DiaMeisp 11111-2 and 3-room guns floor sand seat 14depsialersatextension ladder' so 11 ts 0-115 week VA-2230 nt Co 500 Rig 3-RGOMS -arid pilTati-hath Ali eeside Dr k'A-23h4 bills wild 117 a week Couple only WI-0346 r-AINTING oantelPT: taine-nte-y -re pair guaranteed Salley L0-8041 3 ROOMS bath 145 water paid iterlOr Fr 504 College Ap A-2127 -PAINTING -IrderiorT-eii' estimates L0-6241 ATTRACTIVE large apt tarnishret FAPERHANGINO and Painting Bob for 3 employed adults Strictly nil- Evans Phone NO-11117 vate Near Harris Hospital Ml1-5965 1-ROOM ertielentl garage ant bills paid 2017 Carter FOR EXPERT PAINTERS (QUIET I-room efficiency Frigid-Months AND DECORATORS Eride priva te bath 110 112 bills pa Lake Worth Court cE7-9191 CALL SHERWINVILLIAMS 2 ROOMS bath ideal location coo- Pie 1100 Hurler "Downtown" fur-i iliClied couple after 4 VA-5154 a General Ho flandlov 4 rooms bath duplex apt hear hue and Rebind $till II Grove At Co 105551 liA51114111KE yor dI rintilialing couple new illttittnodein rapth style ditpleg N1 WESTRIDGE APTS Completely Air-Conditioned' Ititove and tetrigetatot furniithed Adulta noir Behind Weetritly riliotty ping Center telkillern and AA It) Ail bilis nail MS Mnti I 4815-A taMO Bowie WilikADOWNIE11111 Arm 1 and I-bedroom attertmente garage rurnut tort! anti latindrv facilities tshed: 180 alr-condl- Pining available PIE-1334 5015 Pert hip Apt 15 rckft At bills pitlitLOV-3750 J-04095 1007 So Adams lower duplex 5 rooms being rerterpt Alert WSW paid yard keel WI IVA IMPIEX 4 room floor tii rner! ye- varaim Pins paid 1071ila SUM It HWY 4 rooms brit 2 hua ehildteli accepted no pets (Waite atil nritate bath take Infant WA-7414 Ny choler eloa0 to every61Ing VA-0807 or VA-1587 4te 2-betirobip apt en! rat hat tile lialb and kitheti ilaraVP $IM ittP Ili unIrmr ruflittlfa aiih 141)4141 evenings or Saturday and 141titleY ellplf 31k rooms bath rilkh vaglier garage adults Or infattt SIdt Irmo VA-1341 Oportments Cniurnished 48) ratnoted tieing mita and barn rombination lthPfl and din Ina man 4 nice hPtirmans I rown fur seend natil breezeway Can 1 bandied (or 132S0 sash pita 10'4 coot 12 hatttotann in WOO Rl4iI VOTIP rtia home new paint rvcinno trine inveir eard aiami land tith inan cola will thisi 111(1 r(50142 Plt44k4 34116 14 Outline py olfrth 24r totin Mayo 10M 1111414 4 CO 01-3741 ItealLota P141714 Htserini4 74) PISS'S (AIM ITV Mathew soil Affect Pass WS 'Iroik iiriissrs Writ for rat amv ast sae Sawmills Avmserlssaa It I Ht ()AEM 2he4room lieW 75 month Cali atter Ht1-4417 home SM WI-427T In WELL located twines SAO to 1100 linntni Avenel PI)54ta 22 id PAri A had rcrotni WA Ell)-41181 W146111 I LA A A (7:02::1110 rOlt tilt 4 rrd) NIOVINO long dialanac innurd ANJ I't4nxier 0104 hic A NM I ramie Co lorol and loiot dhittnee moving PO- CONd It At1 prirea on moving az perienved niIl Ntl46117 i3OrAf distanro moving 4 tootua low all 115 aallstaction uftrtItfr1 VA -tdiS2 end al age rornoane I hndt Mon ore nLoving V4-7782 Night einini VA-lfort Vik MOVE rPtritoratipta move pl inn Neel''' Trankfer ro 372g I IJIi 44i( I IIA Bradford Van Storage Co 224 Elf arty Mt PA mi Pito: FUJIN IIIIcE MOVINci nlanot rtftlarratorm ranges PA-Va 101-M TN A NUPPII local and lona Oirtance moving Vow rates New at insured jowled warehouse 4005 lielk non VA-241a rdi trunk1 -refrigerator -or houe full VI Itoti WA N4l4 POlt PA 2144 with the OtIlt repo in town Moving la Loran P070111 P's comp's PI' perke Mkt ion In Vet slesdimbl loa- tion Modern MA112J jel HALY-- 101V111111 tare (Mil uipped Jos Vett 111)-001) 41 0 ticker'' 12SO tor Aim i ving quarter's VA 0441 CiPA NI NU ANL' PP( FtiSil Nfl MOP PAPIPM ENT For MIA hoitft anti itt mod 'malt loft Need Indicting tor 1 sd her ims most VI (PIM tontid it I Cosner 'kill help Floods Box 5 ton' 1 elekrk sh ARE kiORE Flinek lid fixtmell trot gcrt ef64 s'irds reamodside rent 1 his Mediu'" Irmo welo Ha ritkils (1411k sal Av 76 8 East Soda Ares $995 MEADOWBROOK 1entr)2 2 btfirnom Croon In Root iot cortritt too Hoar ottoptOrre eon tot bog And ro hoot row WO N1 inoti 1 1 iI14P or ernit IP Ifn Pk 3101 14U4441 LA AA Tet1-1012 MErnerson lovely 3- room rind bath apt reit ignitor and Rt't couple only EA-ni06 WI4 3-130051 mirage aut 2810 CartV7 12 blocks 2400 Fad Lint "gen 3 ctrot-ts 15n S11: "FORTUNE AR514" 0111 NOER it 4i411FICAll JONI 47 II P1 NN AT -AFT 912 Penn Ht 4 rooms tile bath and drain stove and ref riversior (has rind water paid Fr) -4453 -Nr MTH teautifiil 3 morns tile hath venetian blinds Yorriiitiown kitchen airier rubber file floors PS WE-4022 2-ROOM pinup! noirtment 845 month 5ill4 nal' 1254 ifirt I erson 10-0219 WF-1153 MOUTH HIDE 2 rooms VP104111) blinds 44' hills mid 1Atf 041S 111T-C-I4 FIT 111114 4PT 41's 2-nedroom apt contril heating tile bath and kWh en Karin and itundre fa villties 152 50 call (A8341 MR rianberro Court MODERN ethylene far aleetrii bolt stove utilities furnished Crestwood Addition 450 PF-5059 TC1J--4-room ant 120i rIni venni flr WA1252 rwinvx-31'i rooms private bitth Pri bilis paid V14111 eall I to 5 109 TIlitOCKNIOIITON FA 6109 NU 013110 Al ION FOR FATIMA I 8 MEADOWFIROCK DLIPIPX squire Irot Pd visite 'arose bus MA INTERIOR exterior paint old or nr work tape beddlnk VO-62dk PAINT ottort textonr suraY wont 11 rrix NO 1 244 and 2id IA 60 asbestus aid Ina Ii lb 241124 Won's nd home $7 7b 111 Nto ion aiding 5 Ise No ohlolat) IN 60 anst ial Ifs it? (i1J0 Nu I asbespsi siditia 4 stInso Via 1so hav oluottrodt torment and Wei paint and temptusi ft inuntis 0o psi troy sit imatall 1 AP 14111611 40 2744 W051 VittiPtlf PA-4414 It 10 sit inflow ll n0 Items III i 210-lb 4hinsisti 14 60 9 AIe-tna 410 Ins color Ini(411 SA SO 91 New ortusated 'ton 1060 eroart No I lies 0114100 04 WI 215 brass tab shinitiel 85 AA AO pound sun 'Wins 11 tio) notind fsil 12 id s4 4 2seis 17-14 09 thins whii Vt ft I2 7h Motriviltio 0101111 in aolnra i js N9 2 oat flowing 110 M) VP0 10fi PPDIM oaths and Altair 0P II III lnolitnA to naS Cad us tot lolls-toe Cord isf furs TEAGUE IBR Co whlt sloe siding IA 76 ij peg kin I A nn 'Jx4 '1r4 st 4 tiAlcAiE AM deem irtfol 3- room bit $fIS Witt mild COW plo 0111V 1722 A CrPrnt Aitt PITS NI 11 Atbout partmtht sduit will Call 100 te 3 I) at f)t01 IIIr rnri PP- ti4Mi 211 tM rthotis privAte hstri mitrAvr ra) MA :1911 ROOMS AIMED 1114 Sow (111 rages otAllt 4 leneral mimic 36 months to HOUSE ieve1lfl asoestos siding and Notate WA-o405 Carter HOUSE LEVELING Eimerienced over 20 years Euuipped batistaction Altaranteed L0-1100 Rubin NO MONEY DOWN Peens floor furnaces wall heater' panel air small monthly payments BOI LETS HEATINU SERVICE 100 Vaughn Blvd LA-1141 LA4256 Contracting Painting end repair work sanding-finishing' floors L8868n188t 8u-8464 CENTURY Boum tomodpling co sneelltzulv In ratr loos large Or WE-4891 10-2503 CARPENTER wants small lobs VA-8740 LEVELING blocking concrete Mere brick houses included Asbestos siding and rooting Call VA-8320 GET OUR BID Before having any kind of home repair work done garage Porches room added We can save YOU InoneY No down Paernent 36 months to pay Work gintranteed CE7-3529 or a Taylor ALL KINDS of buntline and repair work rooting Painting cabinet work WI-4613 REFAIR and remodir No down Pay-inert 3 yearpi to pay BURTON-LINGO CO EA1231 REMODEL and repair We give free estimates and furnish plan service Assist in your financing White Builders Material FA-3125 ADDITIONS Repairs and remodeling new roofing asbestos siding terms arranged Sabine Valle I umber Co Inc VA 120 BUILDINO and repairs for legit if cash Williams SU 2241 10-YEAR OUARANTEE Leveling blocking concrete piers totindistion repairs Terms WE-38i6 MULLINS get that spare rnoMi a IMMO or repair work now Ere estimates Let-tolla 10-600 HOUSE leveling blocking trountleDon repairs termite control Free estimnies 40 miles Sanders F0-3704 bENERAL repairing building of ill tYPe8 Davidson MA-1026 ZitITTEIZINCI control rainwater and protect sour home especiells the foundation Free estimates Lo-wrib 10-4391 HOUSE leveling end blocking concrete niers and foundation brick homes a epectelty 10sear guarantee Owens WE-7111 GARAGES BUILT ANY SIZE NO DOWN PAYMENT REYNOLDS CONST CO VA-2164 fOUNDATIoN bristos Aiding complete remodeling and repairs Payne PE0316 HOME repair and remodeling 'rooms addeM garages built Rooting siding Easy terms I Al) CONSTRUCTION (TO NE-3111 WE 1)0 RoOleiNCL foundation re-mitre Apple Johne-Manville asbestos Miffing new Porches Hundreds of fiRt Wird etifitomerit Rest of Matt rials and workmen Easy terms Can FA-6365 FIC-1126 J1004011 Knolitit I Repair Co FREE Estimates Nothing down Scolded Finis tA'E-11116 Work Guaranteed ROOMS ADDED 1000 (111FIWPS 10tAlit Clab tieueeal iLL 36 months2opaYLigr0702L HOUSE leveling asbestos sufing and rootinr legit-0405 Carter HOUSE LEVELING Esperienced Over 20 years EQuipped batislaction ALiaranteed LO-1100 Rubin NO MONEY DOWN Payne floor furnaces wall heater' panel air small monthly payments BOI LL1S HEATING SERVICE 140 Vaughn Blvd LA-1141 LA4256 Contractang Painting and repair Work sanding-finishing' floora Latibentnal 811-804 CENTURY ng HOIne iteMOdPli CO Snecilizinv In repair lobs large or sma II Lo-25 CARPENTER wants small lobs VA-8740 1EVELING blocking concrete plug brick houses included Asbestos stri- lilan ng ctrooli CallVA713320 GET OUR BID Before having any kind of home repair work done garage Porches room added We can save you 111011PY No down PaYment 36 to pay Work guaranteed CE7-2529 or a Taylor ALL KINDS Of building and repair work rooting Painting cabinet work W1-4013 PEFAIR and remociii do vay- 1 VIITH ti) DIM RonNis nal'ilKt'S 1)Ull tri1411 36 II HOUSE iev and roofinr HOUSE LI over 20 rearm Altaranteed NO Ki PIMA floor pastel an et SOI 111S 140 Vaughn Contracting work sandi Laubenin Floor Covering Finishing 80 MAN Cat womAN Ave Illtonwor 'Itchy pt wont IWO' dui 111411 Of FUH 711lic 4111)1111) NY'l IZO (Oka rp0 090 VitAftLY Refilling and collet' Ins winnev from diP11101111 lipoitiV who feminine he-'OM ouellte tor thh valoithlo tten Wet yoo frooq have tor refern Rnd 117 akh cetott 6Y loveh tore 'I hp arning's of hitt who toweives 014 ex( luhive flonchlwo shoold be terrific KI AND INVVti'l IrlAf ti 'Of pet hototi inlet view (ihtInflo phone 'mom WrItt 13GX 51 Stat FLOOR ganding nil finishing t4rlinS0111 LA-hdift FM-WINO flour covering VOMWIn NIA-1211 (Wm Pmts ly (RPM ir 51) g41 94- 241i JPM MULL- 1th )7hn 'pot 110eltill PA In tP11 IJb 1)ti Neti :100 1 FIRST GETS IT Owitet ottttll quality 614ot both 11 twane nag 104 fll (4! thttitlor lir sm 111111tb It rim hone to PA Imirrotte Oa Vigil! town who'll Ir tlig Let mate Olt Profit I his lt tool Otal tit WI) 8 ROOMS-TOTAL $5450 WV le ArmirlitptA4 M104 10 trt tentmd hit 24111 thor wool Cotator to wren AU P042 41040 At 'I l'Al VALI 3 to Ortoott at 2 tosth btoll Kaiser ilithwatittt elitootal Jowly-mm(1 tor Dor 114 toOlt illttv 14 oll down rot moortrvtt PA OAS Po 4 4004 PRICK ri Mem ittil Motiottowortmt elm4 ot P1 I men Church of Chtlitc blot itt troth Itroont art utooti blot A from 'WV lottlor Mom Elmo pit lati cliolter brit It tlit tot rad hottot rnottlan tmroto mtiktot irony tirrottotot4 Atm otartort HU ttoktAnd LA-3A44 1014 HMI tIP ti 4 rooms Mott FAIrOW tottOrtk 'writ hte tttto new 2- hrtiroow elem 1 Mil to tato tartly attotriott tomtit Como FM Dort 444 If 11r Nor 114 MA (MN 14 )urt down rot II PA 0'46 PoEW 4 IttifISI PRICK In tesotitol Wild'IWOIFttA Serb tot set I men Church NI Chritc tdo its troffi elmentarY vivo' oils ill clinker bri' It tlie 1 "In fl" ll'hi''' hi" and drilin entrti hrsit "nollan bIlIol' Int 11MI nulinntl vo-Juls 1014 litinliPM 4 tonna IA tOrt MFAII0WhItO(PK I- I Wig hte ne jtir deo 1 fliilli Virg teat ttistehel trucn CCirr'll Un lArt Ind til woo $5800 PER MONTH II901 vIlurnIroix In benoiltui cool noitilta 2 snot 3-nrrtroom dorTfd nilonry Rr Mt 14 trot ra rnov airs tor tinition 314Ming box Ihel 'tort War WO Cithge DIOAitikitI Ot b(h004 Open I a lo I 8 Arida Vs I 0 rn to POIL LEAHY-- aktabilahed -vrottry rered rrearke1 nodpra Lorserd ofl bra bt Fort Wirth's moNt thrivism bollite4 edtro1 Other tenolnaem 11tiPfn timq Rt prora WW1 0ipane 11400 Woollind 1r1 1410 MAK rtb fetipt for a hew liltite rate at era 11pbill ItIPtil rtillkn and alfr (mbar bag ntiiPY Intar P' 1A 74111 tAF 124 Jenatteta hulifilnof and flaleirro tor Masa buy atork cheap PAelli0 betitOOMe tile bath end shower liVing room Irtich 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101 no bine pIl O1430 1 1 LA IV Rooms batn amplo elni xttbco floor orbit a Water pitIrt No pets or drinkino Aueut one Pato VA 114 1109 OHM NoP14 large room jith hikfliAood I Iwo toK lobs II kil4 1410Y Pl 0111' Pak 11101 Ui PA') Wofsfi 3 3 AND 4 It(OPM it sttel ui week dam all dar hutalitv NO 3kal II Jarvis Hts Apts Inc 1401 36th ST NO-8266 2 ROOMS private horne business itig couple near bur ED-nnik meta ED9157 NICE light housekeeping room electric nott 31" 8 Jennings "A-4Atia LARCI-Y: 2-room unstairs ant- 11 week 1tt20 Jennings I-AND 2- liCiFM sots from 4 to 115 1314 Belknap P10-3t151 EXTRA NICE clean rooms flir: sate itntranrr oath venetian': employed couple WE- Ma 11J-ItOONA sot private bath 11109 Pt Louis 3 HOoMS redecorsted bath flergel: adults 1210 5th Ave 801111 "UDE- en large rooms Consider infant API -2-bedrooto furnished floolSalmont LA-n4t1 I 111 HEMPH111-2 rooms private bath child care E01077 EDECOHA1 ED 11e rooms fire Plot nice furniture 16S EA-114AL HENRI-100E-2-room garage got modern 811-4174 P11-99411 POLY-thirsty mot pretty 2 rooms private bath emoloyed eotiole: I10 bills paid LA-11411 L0-7851 STEI AVE -2 large rooms Tell bus near gtOttPI: 111111tit 2 LAHOE rooms private bath between 2 bus lintli Ine tn hospital shootting center anti Will 2 school tchildren 5n1 Lake PA-f11117 Telt-Modern tiliples 1rr--12ntridePherson well for mottle only 475 Water only furnishedWA-1A1R COZY garage sot newts decorate ll Lewis ED-Ptitn1 rail between 7 t6 2 Mandavn II to 4 CI PAN 414 veld children over 3 years NO MOS belt clu pies yard garage bust "hooning crntot PF-1 ntoMOMT nOW nlotonrY flikrotire ito1 4 roorne bath large closet 12 miles northeast courthouse 1 mile north east of on hot-top road: 175 month ineluding lights water and garage Davis EA-1101 VA 11012 3 CLEAN-7w rooms cnnVrnitn1 to Mouth commit hut Harris and All Hosoliel Prefer work ing people: 1210 eth Ave EA-1071 WOltKING mother will share home with Ontnit WA 4425 after 12 rn 2 littICK semi-duplex sots 2416 HClover Lane rilowr flEI1ijOOS4 with kitchen orlyilegoa for working mother Child care While You work NO-Intill 1 22tin HURLEY Mouth MOM Nies ita rage sot Adults WI-6744 3-HOOM APT Take child 110 week hills JAM LA-ft314 140)4W 1iltic8 WTI 1 nicely furnisied garage PE5343 3-1100M APT nice near bus shoppinkt tenter MS 50 opt: month Mill-Des paid 2017 College PE-1104 LIYINiti lit wiN bedroom kitchen pris ate bath on first floor Otiest hointe on rear 41 1 Pl Henderson urnshedi 8F TRACTOR loading leveling Mott- I low illtO Olin! liautintr PE0435 -11 I RACIOR plowing and ievelins wig LoWls WE41443 SANDY LOAM black dirt leaf loam lrinizer concrete and road gravel play hand Tms er Harin a WA-2079 FOR SIDEWALKS Porches virago floorsraii VI134i ALL TYPES of tractor work it Irveling drivrways graded LO-170 11011T HAULMS top soil barnyard fertilizer rocka L0-0917 TRACTOR work yard dirt leveliti plowing It DaniettWA-8501 KEST ollivetired frrt 1117er tqn)11 SI Yard gravel toad level MA-784h SANDY loam black dirt Si Yard leaf loam concrete drivewav graval Quirk deliverY F0-9165 Fo-idlur IDS Soil SI 'yard Sandy mate bed thrt sand gravel fill MA-9335 ASt and rav4 all kinds Quick delivery NO-5781 5 'e A Itt)t4 $5 sandy loafs gravel sand Mark dirt 10-3114 NoNDED all Does renient work Fret estiolatrs IL Woodall VA-30SC RItntiV IOMM top solt fIll 4 vards S4 sand 'travel MA-2402 -110Nbilli CEMENT-CONTS1AcjOlts Driveways walks patio and rom merrial jobs tall leord Hollnixa worth NO-0117 Sand loam fill gravel rraannable MO-07211 THE nEsi tou and all kinds of gravel Bedford 1' '04CTOR work la-17Y-eling grad int pier holes Illr-1411 11HAtri ott LoAHER levellna rim tinks dirt gravel Need FIS-0019 ruiNCRE'l P7 mri-vel road wrist) Ion mdi MiltWM' fertilizer cobinn sand 10-17011 NOAD nit iiin concrete gravel nig sand cushion sand dirt At oli or delivered VA-3814 CrYTENT-0611(111S walks patios drivrwavs slabs tIrnan -A-74-111All riiii conrrria nnsrlit-it for drivoaav4 parkins Iota WaNoll ASPlidtt fVitilf for tiriVownVil Ind piwnitIP lots Jones LO-0512 SSINDED--Totierpt anti cat-dental I work itriitt pkriniates VA-1811 WAN! 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4 0 tit MiiFtti fi( -Wtlittitt-ritt-d VOW etfi With AO rarvp Yo foill1174 and tt a I I pm or lox 10)1118 6 tl Pt6301 NO DOWN PAYMENT Rooms gamma foundation eon trete work ashestna siding rooting plumbing An tsne MUM WM Rmall monthly pasmenta lirown 4 SWAM contractors A-0320 ta ICA ins PM1n(901011S roots aabestna Wins garage new rooms No duwn Mount 3(1 niontne LOBO MA-gall and ED1651 'POUND-A4 10 tot prtng amhestoo elditigt how ock Plink roofing From foot idifttes P111111 tiurkllrRrt At Mil 11 ino IA40111 PLABlERINO and sweet) volts thin stone and brick WE-4576 NO DOWN pay nientmool hs to Pas on home rear remodeling Domains itabeatom aiding routing Icytilos sidewalks a MAWR lo plenty materlak nil reliable tIFIVII to do the work Pr00 ekttroolon Lockwood Luroloct Comoony Toott Mite tiettlement Road rok-31li1 TOO LARGE or too groan complete building service Fire Ow Material and workmanship Preto estimates un to la rooniloo to na I or remodeling and r011111T Driskell Lumber Co Inc ann 1cker' pA41I PARE cement a nd pairs windows reputtled 11A10014 t)PflIrrii1 eravoi Konnodire sand Hey SWIM" LA11035 NniliitiAlk too moll weaned" gray el (leo Pruitt 10-118111 LAli2 5 Ic4i loptioir eantlyThism tiff dIrt driveway conereto gravel NO1483 CEMENT work iW types reason sloe fins ph WIft W1141 moltpcuroonpl- Ion colin-siro i 5-1m c)liOrett MOO 1111- 14S7 111SI'V -1tonotagi horn to OR au motie saher 300 4026 01000107 81'1'001 1 LOVELY nPir hooxt IU2011) SMALL Route co*ki pip 04w 0 00 Mitt CathyP11 000 P0-210110 0400M14 rheop Rooth RIO flo 0 ACtioo01 Oral WA-1106 -E 1 RIX IturJM8 3 ro11 4 ol1thi 1 14'1901610 1o tor 0 10Kt ulito WI 0h0101000 (-1101 tf11111 tot AppoIloptot 914 1 7294 LAI it I tt 11 Plot soitoola lOr 11 11 41 loaf 441' 2'14 Ni It VP10411)t 2- room and hoth 012 of p1 wee 11111 keld 1 10-210 1 2 11)I 4 let et I my rriglillOtra 11115 Imo cle 82 4t4-0IIt if 3 1001 1ia ll'oly l'oit'010 Mt tilIC 001 Pit 101151 I WO-1111000M brick Aillnour1 Ifrilii 11 418 2 Itoo'it rottatte 1r rent MA-1125 -L 3 11 00000 hPlit Carswell PK 11" 2 It111100518 both I nenottm kIPV10111111o111 11011A -hr'4 F451A11 cIttligos tioteroritod ilOtri Woo flooth ir otiotioh illitifht If olOntintiol Ptlitidilit 1f Pa 1'14' 114 "114 41114 ll Ant If IM lOoir018 2 00 3 dolts I ti415 cgt0 WI f1111-ot 3M Avr nttr rtoovoll Ito 111 1roon how vederotht(11 bull 0011 111000r11 PE rIAJO Ireo lOO1 111Iimuit 3 IA11P 100 o14 khora 00141: 6110- 3 ItIg)50 14001411ot )1e aviolithlo thlttl 0110 000 0100111 2012 Pont Ho' 231d Vd0 month 2121 itrn MA 070' 51 Otto 8-1100M Ort(I sp id 1210 1t0 1401111 m11)0 r000 2-1orlroom to5r I hoolx owl 410pping cower II'''4 Pr 1441 YA-R712 2 NoM liike In Rtvor Oak' MO rthlr1tor54 ttp-1or- pod yrr wk ilti riftr ay Mid tot tOOttoOt Ohl it orit Clo to4- ilirr4iikt ffi i-1 ithr 2'045 In Vrt "carman 302 Mittourt tokrePos 014 DI II 406 month Ave 14UL (1111i ot tot Urn! )212 P1121MON'T hicar OH Lome I 2ft pour fret ifyt MI) I toi1011 a 1ai ali' al iailn1 2 aroort ea Eta Coda 212 IP ItT'ai your b000rionity it bortta mow' a it? Thi1 gelto 1 "010it civ11 tor ail 'wart 1010 41A and bathroom 111414- Priva 14 Ilia pod moo bowl Pd wI ra road total oft 1o A I ft or i foto 11 two tito tt) lett UoillIft Citric 2422 rottrutv ArV 3-61114441 1104 tod tnoln nt (1 i0L oallf ir 1 ail heti tomnietcla rcdororal bost OPtro dallY WcY tIKI)Ift I tat'h IA Win PT rza PA i tin A-2244 t(y: 2 km( 3 Nome 12 Vicq NIKvoi I Lott sine NtL1304 tris brick 20migill coovaideriur I wed to avaa Or 1224 Pararilidi III '14T tivo roorn oast arbouia ari tor Aakicr nor 4122 11 olv ovi a it irks bototo to Pus old terl iotmit dqh tlat booi and alio 3 colivanol 2 Hplouximi4 fr tl mid ran trali Vtrirtn r4ntiR ar000la 44f tkn Plumbing BB rr46 111(ilfroWER-2twirown A At'oie'l11'e2971P1- P4O-P44 New Meadowbrook Location 111(wa tinwit4vrq Mir' let! eimi) Meenwinunii nt 1 thtated mune troA tnego hP moon home have PVIVOI1111 PtnAcioll ronnie and mintage bind Ili wide lose Onived Wee) In NPIIII 01 not bla V' dui Thee nutolottollnK VAIRMI 113 IlCri WW1' KIMI IP1 StILDUIL I04H14 A 11A0011- New 2bettrown oknd den both and Airparty OW) rd 1 burn 104N4 livid Modem 27)0 ft An KVAITY VA-1SA4 DO 1180011t ilin PE tilt 1 tidrfinni erne 2 full hat tit elm hest eentwhddi Cali Owner I le 7 rAirrirtlb 3 hodrnnyna I lig alto SIT lege lot )8391I DOWPCIOA PI Of II( fr 041AtT Pen wited rrwirrn thol PK 41)41r ptisot perkini too liI 111a (01 woe tt) fn Povit f00 IASTP trri yttr PPIA flo II I M11 CD 14 VI IA tftrilri tor rPot pilt 0 '140144 tr stiornrv lo3 ur lmrlt L1114 PA192 rPiitt multsblo for Rog kind ht tffit)t)r4 bosh hen iriCtiti Crett49(1 8i-14)11o CPPOIP h0 A Itt-crifilil trttrallt OFR? PI ono 210 it011110 fppi ttr iAk Rr Ii virotir kItt I Ptt IitA Prribavi vivo 'fq It oril koicr rrnt bean 74n P114 Park titvd V19117 MOnt ttN noviiy 110CtAtO1 nitIP for rPot J11110 off If Or) Tolvion plour nt trin pirs Tifrobolo r()-040 r01047 117 Tillot 3f6 Mot Septic Tito SOP Wee Purnihod I 1:115 rdimaktPr 1A41101 CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS YttOON4 war ant iath Clo-ao Mews tral flip Writ Curblna Warrrn Imnaldon )111 11 OLIO: two Iroom 4ttletrn Riverole 1r Plump 1014113 rico bcdroom IrA3N2 -III2 $011111 JP'NNINOM a rom No SEPTIC-IANK LEANED Ithliff apt ovate BI paid 140 Qui( rate Plc intincc1101 Port Worth National Bonk trait Licensed Li 1 VA1101 Pjt Floyd Nclsrn VAa741 -SEPTIC-TA-Kid-CLEANED tut' toyed 'dolt Vv14t41 tioto 1rvo rr)1114 31144 COI 2 roomot tout iitAlt log comqr rpreferr0dWA-11V7 roOno aod bath trIrohoto bills paid 3016 Lihhfli A1 WI la 11)1 rndms to PT Weelt hills paid 21111 1th Itt itu noo redrew aird all Orl vote to mittotim to Carsisoll tiscs2 la or 111 anti Th MA-1'17 tornithd mot all hill Potitt 2O21 Peach VA-11111 Or V1444f) TITILITY IDTCDER A Ragan et3-0331 MA-Fittift NOW! You can nage that now bathroom taster heater hoTtle holt complete plumhing with no down moment end 30 month to One Also olumh inst repair terViCO MVP? ornrong at tantion iNA AND CIIN kg 'rho rratlittat Mnnpv fl town 11114 I Vit iteltV VD We WON' les ILO ttgSqPQ -In R4 ItilulliN0 service excevatioo gni leveling bird Plumbing Co IsOousc iontotas Sokry its' SM (111111P0 LINP1 POSTM ff twit In lirdi if um-1'110M MA 1102 Noi AL clothosillit owsts InstallOd $10 t41 (iliatotitpA (0)f ii ALIN orttomentni Warn cniumns Ler0050 IIrxLriiiTu $13 95 OkiaritntreC LA4077 MAR1101ton Sorvicant OM Cirrnivot IIN POSTiL In drdi mum-snout MA Tioa Mal AL clottiostint moos lostallId $10 Patir-awirt efi ornamental Duch column IA00 113 15 LA4077 SrEct ALIZINQ Woit RIMA Pro Portf Cum Kola gotite dij4142 I 414-.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.