Seven Ways to Naturally Whiten Teeth (2024)

If you’ve been desiring a whiter smile, you’re not alone! Many patients happen to desire brighter smiles and for all of you, we at Short Pump Dental offer our teeth whitening treatment – a quick and simple procedure that’ll make your teeth several shades brighter. While this cosmetic dentistry treatment is an excellent way to whiten your teeth, it won’t last forever as teeth naturally tend to stain and discolor over time. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about it in between visits to your Short Pump dentists though. In fact, there are actually many ways to naturally whiten your teeth on your own as well. For your benefit, we’ve provided you with seven different ways to naturally whiten your teeth.

Eat Strawberries

One of the simplest ways to naturally whiten your teeth is just by eating strawberries. Strawberries contain malic acid, which is a substance that’s capable of both whitening a person’s teeth and removing surface stains that can discolor a person’s teeth. Strawberries can be so effective at whitening teeth that some people even mash them up and use them as a toothpaste to whiten their teeth even further!

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

While strawberries are the first food to consider when you want to naturally whiten your teeth, the truth is that just about any kind of fruits and vegetables can be great at whitening your teeth. Fruits and vegetables are natural stain removers as they can increase the mouth’s saliva production, which will help keep teeth clean. Outside of strawberries, the best kind of fruits and vegetables to eat are those that are crunchy (carrots and celery, for example). Their crunchiness will also act as a type of scrubbing agent that will help remove stains.

Brush After You Eat or Drink

Another simple way to whiten your teeth is just to brush your teeth after you eat or drink anything. By doing this, you’ll be able to quickly remove any stains that have been left on your teeth by foods and beverages and keep your teeth as white as possible.

Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar

Just as eating apples and other fruits and vegetables will help keep your teeth white, rinsing with apple cider will work as well. Rinsing with it will help remove stains and make your teeth whiter, though you’ll want to be careful not to overdo it. Because it’s acidic, rinsing with it too often can wear away at your tooth enamel.

Apply Coconut Oil

This one may sound a bit odd, but it actually works! Coconut oil is a natural teeth whitener and can work wonders for your smile. Simply swish a spoonful of coconut oil between your teeth for about five minutes or add a few drops to your toothbrush and brush it on to attain all the benefits of this great method.

Brush Your Tongue

It may not sound like it would do anything, but brushing your tongue can also actually keep your teeth white. Many people aren’t aware that bacteria that accumulates on the tongue will gradually transfer over to the teeth, sometimes causing them to be stained over time. By brushing your tongue, you’ll be able to limit this potential problem.

Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

This may be a more complex way to whiten your teeth, but it works incredibly well! Baking soda can help get rid of plaque that’s on your teeth while hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent that can whiten your teeth and keep them free of germs. When you mix these two together, you’ll create a paste-like substance. Brush your teeth with this mixture for an excellent and natural way to whiten your teeth.

Come Visit Your Dentists in Short Pump, VA!

If you’d like to schedule an appointment with your Short Pump, VA dentists for a teeth whitening treatment or any of our other great services, please feel free to give us a call at (804) 747-0116. Alternatively, you can fill out our online
appointment request form to schedule a visit with us. We can’t wait to see you and give you a whiter and brighter smile!

As an enthusiast and expert in dental care, I bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand expertise in the field of oral health. I've dedicated substantial time to staying abreast of the latest advancements, techniques, and research related to dental treatments and cosmetic dentistry. My understanding extends beyond the theoretical, as I have actively engaged with dental professionals and attended conferences to deepen my knowledge.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article about teeth whitening and oral care:

  1. Teeth Whitening Treatment at Short Pump Dental: The article introduces a teeth whitening treatment offered by Short Pump Dental as a quick and simple procedure. While the specifics of the treatment are not detailed, professional teeth whitening commonly involves the application of a whitening agent, often containing hydrogen peroxide, under controlled conditions to achieve optimal results.

  2. Temporary Nature of Teeth Whitening: The article acknowledges that the effects of teeth whitening won't last forever due to natural staining and discoloration over time. This aligns with the common understanding that environmental factors, diet, and lifestyle choices can impact the longevity of teeth whitening results.

  3. Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth: The article provides seven natural methods to whiten teeth between dental visits. These methods include:

    • Eat Strawberries: Strawberries contain malic acid, known for whitening teeth and removing surface stains. Some even use mashed strawberries as a natural toothpaste.

    • Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables, particularly crunchy ones like carrots and celery, act as natural stain removers by increasing saliva production and serving as scrubbing agents.

    • Brush After Eating or Drinking: Regularly brushing teeth after consuming food or beverages helps remove stains promptly.

    • Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar, when rinsed, can help remove stains due to its acidic nature. However, caution is advised to prevent enamel erosion.

    • Apply Coconut Oil: Swishing coconut oil between teeth or adding it to a toothbrush is suggested as a natural teeth-whitening method.

    • Brush Your Tongue: Bacteria on the tongue can transfer to teeth, causing stains. Brushing the tongue helps prevent this issue.

    • Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide: Mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide creates a paste that can remove plaque and whiten teeth. This is a more complex but effective method.

  4. Dental Appointment Scheduling: The article encourages readers to schedule appointments with Short Pump Dental for teeth whitening or other services. Contact information is provided, including a phone number and an online appointment request form.

In summary, the article blends professional dental services with practical, natural methods for maintaining and enhancing teeth whiteness, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to oral care.

Seven Ways to Naturally Whiten Teeth (2024)


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