Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton · Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton & Fiona Kay ... Martin. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton· Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton & Fiona Kay ... Martin. - [PDF Document] (1)

Social Capital Bibliography

Compiled by Ryan Causton & Fiona Kay Department of Sociology, Queen’s University at Kingston

January 2002 Abdennur, Alexander. 1987. The Conflict Resolution Syndrome: Volunteerism, Violence,

and Beyond. Ottawa: Ottawa University Press. Aberg, Martin. 2000. APutnam's Social Capital Theory Goes East: A Case Study of

Western Ukraine and L'viv.@ Europe/Asia Studies 52(2):295-317. Achenbaum, W. Andrew. 2000. AThe Elderly's Future Stake in Voluntary Associations.@

Journal of Aging and Social Policy 11(2):41-7. Adler, Paul and Seok-Woo Kwon. 2000. AA Paradigm for Social Capital.@ Pp. 89-115 in

Knowledge and Social Capital: Foundations and Applications, edited by Eric L. Lesser. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Advisory Board on the Voluntary Sector, Ontario. 1997. Sustaining a Civic Society,

Voluntary Action in Ontario: The Report. Toronto: The Board. Aksoylu, Yurdanur. 1984. AVoluntary Associations in Urban Squatter Settlements.@

Ekistics 51:338-45. Alberta Alcohol and Drug Commission, Service Monitoring and Research. 1998. Setting

Direction Within Government Agendas and Global Transformations: A Context Paper for Strategic Planning by the AADAC Commission Board. Edmonton: The Commission.

Alchian, A.A. and H. Demsetz. 1972. AProduction, Information Costs, and Economic

Organization.@ American Economic Review pp. 777-95. Alesina, Alberto, and Eliana La Ferrara. 2000. AParticipation in Heterogeneous

Communities.@ The Quarterly Journal of Economics 115(3):847-904. Almazan, Marco A. 1999. AThe Aztec States-Society: Roots of Civil Society and Social

Capital.@ The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 565:162-75.

Almond, G.A. and S. Verba. 1963. The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and

Democracy in Five Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton· Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton & Fiona Kay ... Martin. - [PDF Document] (2)

Angelusz, Robert and Robert Tardos. 1991. AThe Strength and Weakness of Weak Ties.@

Pp. 7-23 in Values, Networks and Cultural Reproduction In Hungary, edited by P. Somlai. Budapest: The Coordinating Council of Programs.

Anheier, H.K., J. Gerhards and F.P. Romo. 1995. AForms of Social Capital and Social

Structure in Cultural Fields: Examining Bourdieu=s Social Topography.@ American Journal of Sociology 100:859-903.

Arnold, Bruce L. and Fiona M. Kay. 1995. ASocial Capital, Violations of Trust and the

Vulnerability of Isolates: The Social Organization of Law Practice and Professional Self-Regulation.@ International Journal of the Sociology of Law 23:321-46.

Arnold, Bruce L. and Fiona M. Kay. 2000. ASocial Capital, Violations of Trust and the

Vulnerability of Isolates: The Social Organization of Law Practice and Professional Self-Regulation.@ Pp. 201-22 in Knowledge and Social Capital: Foundations and Applications, edited by Eric L. Lesser. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Astone, Nan Marie, Constance A. Nathanson and Robert Schoen. 1999. AFamily

Demography, Social Theory, and Investment in Social Capital.@ Population and Development Review 25(1):1-31.

Baker, Alan R. H. and Ted W. Margadant. 2001. Review of AFraternity Among the

French Peasantry: Sociability and Voluntary Associations in the Loire Valley, 1815-1914.@ Journal of Historical Geography 27(2):284-5.

Baker, Alan R.H. 1999. Fraternity among the French Paesantry: Sociability and

Voluntary Associations in the Loire Valley, 1815-1914. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Baker, Susan Gonzalez, and Marilyn Espitia. 2000. AFrom Latin American Immigrant to

>Hispanic= Citizen: The Role of Social Capital in Seeking U.S. Citizen.@ Social Science Quarterly 81(4):1053-63.

Baker, W. E. 1990. AMarket Networks and Corporate Behavior.@ American Journal of

Sociology 96:589-625. Banks, Erik. 1997. AThe Social Capital of Self-help Mutual Aid Groups.@ Social Policy


Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton· Social Capital Bibliography Compiled by Ryan Causton & Fiona Kay ... Martin. - [PDF Document] (3)

Barkan, Joel D., Michael L. McNulty and M.A.O. Ayeni. 1991. A'Hometown' Voluntary Associations, Local Development, and the Emergence of Civil Society in Western Nigeria.@ The Journal of Modern African Studies 29:457-80.

Baron, James N. and Michael T. Hannan. 1994. AThe Impact of Economics on

Contemporary Sociology.@ Journal of Economic Literature 32:1111-46. Baron, Stephen, John Field and Tom Schuller, eds. 2000. Social Capital: Critical

Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. Barr, Abigail. 2000. ASocial Capital and Technical Information Flows in the Ghanaian

Manufacturing Sector.@ Oxford Economic Papers 52(3):539-59. Barrick, Murray R., Greg L. Stewart and Mitchell J. Neubert. 1998. ARelating Member

Ability and Personality to Work-Team Processes and Team Effectiveness.@ Journal of Applied Psychology 83(3):377-91.

Baumgartner, Frank R., and Jack L. Walker. 1988. ASurvey Research and Membership in

Voluntary Associations.@ American Journal of Political Science 32:908-28. Bebbington, Anthony, and Thomas Perreault. 1999. ASocial Capital, Development, and

Access to Resources in Highland Ecuador.@ Economic Geography 75(4):395-418. Bebbington, Anthony. 1997. ASocial Capital and Rural Intensification: Local

Organizations and Islands of Sustainability in the Rural Andes.@ The Geographical Journal 163:189-97.

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Becker, Gary S. 1993. Human Capital. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Beggs, John J. and Jeanne S. Hurlbert. 1997. AThe Social Context of Men's and Women's

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Transitionfrom High School.@ Pp. 137-57 in Transitions: Schooling and Employment in Canada, edited by Paul Anisef and Paul Axelrod. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.

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Bentley, Tom. 1999. AWill We Blow Apart Society?@ New Statesman 128:xviii-xix. Berger, Peter L., ed. 1997. The Limits of Social Cohesion: Conflict and Mediation in

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based Microlending: an Institutional Perspective.@ World Development 26(4):623-37.

Bian, Yanjie. 1997. ABringing Strong Ties Back In: Indirect Ties, Network Bridges, and

Job Searches in China.@ American Sociological Review 62:366-85. Bianchi, Suzanne M., and John P. Robinson. 1997. AWhat did you do Today? Children's

Use of Time, Family Composition, and the Acquisition of Social Capital.@ Journal of Marriage and the Family 59:332-44.

Birner, Jack, and Ragip Ege. 1999. ATwo Views on Social Stability: An Unsettled

Question.@ The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58(4):749-80. Blakely, Edward J. 2001. ACompetitive Advantage for the 21st Century City: Can a Place-

Based Approach to Econonmic Development Survive in a Cyberspace Age?@ Journal of the American Planning Association 67(2):133-41.

Blanchard, Anita and Tom Horan. 2000. AVirtual Communities and Social Capital.@ Pp.

159-78 in Knowledge and Social Capital: Foundations and Applications, edited by Eric L. Lesser. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Blau, Judith R., Peter M. Blau and Reid M. Golden. 1985. ASocial Inequality and the

Arts.@ American Journal of Sociology 91(2):309-31. Boisjoly, Johanne, Greg J. Duncan and Sandra Hofferth. 1995. AAccess to Social

Capital.@ Journal of Family Issues 16:609-31. Boissevain, J. 1974. Friends of Friends: Networks, Manipulators, and Coalitions. New

York: St. Martin=s Press.

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Boix, Carles, and Daniel N. Posner. 1998. ASocial Capital: Explaining its Origins and

Effects on Government Performance.@ British Journal of Political Science 28(4):686-93.

Booth, John A., and Patricia Bayer Richard. 1998. ACivil Society and Political Context in

Central America.@ The American Behavioral Scientist 42(1):33-46. Borgos, Seth, and Scott Douglas. 1996. ACommunity Organizing and Civic Renewal: A

View from the South.@ Social Policy 27:18-28. Bourdieu, P. 1986. AThe Forms of Capital.@ Pp. 241-258 in Handbook of Theory and

Research for the Sociology of Education, edited by J.G. Richardson. New York: Greenwood.

Bourdieu, P. and L. Boltanski. 1978. AChanges in Social Structure and Changes in the

Demand for Education.@ In Contemporary Europe, Social Structures and Cultural Patterns, edited by S. Giner and M. Archer. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1968. AStructuralism and Theory of Sociological Knowledge.@ Social

Research 35(4):681-706. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1973. AThe Three Forms of Theoretical Knowledge.@ Social Sciences

Information 12(1):53-80. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1980. ALe Capital Social Notes Provisoires.@ Actes de la Recherche en

Sciences Sociales 31:2-3. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1980. AThe Aristocracy of Culture.@ Media, Culture, and Society

2:225-54. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1983. AThe Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World

Reversed.@ Poetics 12:311-56. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1984. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1985. AThe Market of Symbolic Goods.@ Poetics 14:13-44. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1985. AThe Social Space and the Genesis of Groups.@ Theory & Society


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Bourdieu, Pierre. 1990. The Logic of Practice. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre.1973. ACultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction.@ Pp. 71-112 in

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Boyle, David. 1999. ATime is a Great Social Healer: Volunteer Schemes can bring Social

Cohesion to the Poor.@ New Statesman 128:18-20. Brannigan, Augustine, Bruce Arnold and Debra Perry. 1995. ABibliographic Essay: The

Adjustment and Integration of Immigrant Youth: A Social Capital Perspective.@ Sage Race Relations Abstracts 20(3):3-101.

Brehm, John and Wendy Rahn. 1997. AIndividual-Level Evidence for the Causes and

Consequences of Social Capital.@ American Journal of Political Science 41(3):999-1023.

Briggs, Xavier N. de Souza. 1997. ASocial Capital and the Cities: Ddvice to Change

Agents.@ National Civic Review 86:111-17. Brines, Julie, and Kara Joyner. 1999. AThe Ties that Bind: Principles of Cohesion in

Cohabitation and Marriage.@ American Sociological Review 64(3):333-55. Brod, Peace. 2001. AIt Takes a Village: Relationship Between Commitment to

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Brown, Kevin M. 2000. Rhetorics of Welfare: Uncertainty, Choice, and Voluntary

Associations. New York: St. Martin=s Press. Brown, L. David, and Darcy Ashman. 1996. AParticipation, Social Capital, and

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Corporate Co-optation: Interorganizational Ties as a Strategy for Avoiding Market Constraints.@ American Sociological Review 45:821-841.

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Burt, Ronald S. and Holly J. Raider. 1996. ABoundaryless Careers and Social Capital.@

Pp. 187-200 in The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era, edited by Michael B. Arthur and Denise M. Rousseau. New York: Oxford University Press.

Burt, Ronald S. and M. Knez. 1996. ATrust and Third-party Gossip.@ Pp. 68-89 in Trust

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Buskens, Vincent. 1998. AThe Social Structure of Trust.@ Social Networks 20:265-89. Butler, John K. Jr., Stephen Cantrell, and Randall J. Flick. 1999. ATransformational

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Champlin, Dell. 1997. ACulture, Natural Law, and the Restoration of Community.@

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Cohen, Stephen S. and Gary Fields. 2000. ASocial Capital and Capital Gains in Silicon

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Coleman, J. S. 1990. Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University.

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