Speech Sounds: Child Development Guide | Talkshop (2024)

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Did you know there are 44 speech sounds in the English language? 20 Vowel Sounds and 24 Consonant Sounds.1

As children develop their speech sounds, they tend to follow a pattern or sequence2. At first baby vocalisations are reflexive, such as crying, coughing and burping. Between 8 – 16 weeks babies will typically start producing their first vowel sounds “ah” and “oo”. These are the ‘cute’ coo’s, goo’s and gah’s we all enjoy.

As children listen to the language being spoken around them and to them, their early speech sounds develop. Vocal play typically takes place from 16 – 26 weeks. Babies will start to experiment with making sounds of different pitches and volumes. From 6 months babies start babbling and producing their first consonant sounds, most commonly “ma ma ma” “da da da” and “bah bah bah”. Their babbling should show the beginnings of conversation from 10 months.

A child’s speech sound development continues for approximately 7 years until the muscles of their lips, teeth and tongue have developed and learnt the sophisticated movements necessary to produce all 44 sounds.

Not sure if your child needs speech theraphy? Book a free consultation.

Speech Sound Development Chart

3 monthsMaking cooing sounds. E.g. ahhh
5 monthsChild is laughing and making playful sounds.
6 monthsSpeech-sounding babbling sounds start, e.g. me, pah, bah, da
1 yearBabbling begins to sound like real words as they string more sounds together. E.g. upup, babada, mama
2-3 yearsAble to say the sounds: p, b, m, d, n, h, t, k, g, w, ng, f, y in words.
By 3 years old, familiar people should be able to understand your child’s speech.
4 yearsAble to say the sounds: l, j, ch, s, v, sh, z in words.
Your child may still be making mistakes on: s, sh, ch, j, ng, th, z, l, and r.
Most people should understand your child’s speech at this age.
5 yearsAble to say r, zh (e.g. ‘measure’), th (voiced – e.g. in ‘that’ and ‘there’)
6 yearsAble to say a voiceless th (e.g. in ‘thunder’ and ‘thick’)

Consonant vs Vowel Sound development

Looking at the chart above you can be forgiven for thinking “what about the 20 vowel sounds?” The chart above is almost exclusively about consonants. For most English language learners the most common speech sound errors are consonant sounds. It is much less common for a child to struggle with vowel sounds. In fact, vowel sound errors are often indicative of a more complex condition called Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)3. Learn more about CAS here.

Consonant Sound Development

Children usually follow a similar sequence when developing the 24 consonant sounds. This progression is categorised into the “early 8”, “middle 8 and “late 8”.

Early 8 SoundsMiddle 8 SoundsLate 8 Sounds
Emerging between ages 1-3.

Consistent production ~ age 3

Emerging between ages 3-6 ½.

Consistent production ~ age 5 ½

Emerging between ages 5 -7 ½

Consistent production ~ age 7 ½

/m/ as in “mama”

/b/ as in “baby”

/y/ as in “you”

/n/ as in “no”

/w/ as in “we”

/d/ as in “daddy”

/p/ as in “pop”

/h/ as in “hi”

/t/ as in “two”

/ng/ as in “running”

/k/ as in “cup”

/g/ as in “go”

/f/ as in “fish”

/v/ as in “van”

/ch/ as in “chew”

“j” as in “jump”

/sh/ as in “sheep”

/s/ as in “see”

/th/ as in “think”

/th/ as in “that”

/r/ as in “red”

/z/ as in “zoo”

/l/ as in “like”

/zh/ as in “measure”

Common Speech Sound Errors.

While a child is learning a speech sound it is normal for them to make mistakes. It is helpful to be able to recognise these mistakes for a couple of reasons. First, if you recognise one of these speech sound errors it is very helpful to correct them in the moment. Doing so helps your child hear the correction and practice correcting it. Second is to notice if they get stuck. Muscle movements depend on neural pathways. If a child creates strong neural pathways that create a speech sound incorrectly there is an increasing chance this will become a speech disorder and they will need speech therapy to help reprogram new neural pathways for the correct sound.

Below is a list of common speech sound errors broken into age categories where the sound error is developmentally normal. If your child continues to make these errors into older ages it may be necessary to get help from a speech pathologist.

1-2 years old:

  • When your child replaces a quiet (voiceless) sound to a noisy (voiced) one, this is called voicing. For example, if ‘pea’ becomes ‘bee’.
  • A long sound with airflow (e.g. s, sh, f) becomes a short sound with no airflow (e.g. t, d). This is called stopping. For example, if ‘sea’ becomes ‘tea’
  • If your child leaves off the end of a word. This is called final consonant deletion. For example ‘cat’ becomes ‘ca’
  • When back sounds (e.g. k, g) are said at the front of the mouth and turn into t and d. This is called velar fronting. For example, when ‘car’ becomes ‘tar’
  • The tongue moves forward in the mouth and turns sh into s. This is called palatal fronting. For example ‘shed’ becomes ‘said’
  • When a child leaves out a non-stressed syllable in a word, this is called weak syllable deletion. For example, tomato becomes mato.
  • When two consonants in a word and reduced to only one consonant (for example ‘tree’ becomes ‘tee’) this is called cluster reduction
  • When r and l sounds become w and y (for example ‘rabbit’ becomes ‘wabbit’), this is called gliding.
  • When th becomes f (e.g. ‘thunder’ becomes ‘funder’) and v (‘them’ becomes ‘vem’)

2-3 years old:

  • We still expect to see lots of the same processes in 1-2 year olds like: voicing, stopping, final consonant deletion, velar fronting, palatal fronting, weak syllable deletion, cluster reduction, gliding and ‘th’ becomes ‘v’ or ‘f’
    (see explanation of these processes under the 1-2 years old category)

3-4 years old:

  • Your child should start fixing many of the above processes. It is still common for them to have: weak syllable deletion, cluster reduction, gliding and ‘th’ becomes ‘v’ or ‘f’ (see explanation of these processes under the 1-2 years old category)

4-6 years old:

  • Now your child should begin mastering many consonant sounds and be easily understood in conversation. We may still expect to see some gliding and difficulty with the ‘th’ sound
  • Ideally, we would start working on ‘r’ and ‘th’ sounds before your child starts school, so that they can have the best start possible for their reading and writing skills.

6-7 years old:

  • The only difficult sounds for children this age may be ‘th’, all other processes should be CORRECTED

7-8 years old:

  • NONE! Your child should be speaking fluently and be able to pronounce all consonants accurately.

How can I support my child’s development of these speech sounds?

Nurturing and responsive environments in which children are frequently exposed to lots of language can dramatically improve a child’s speech development6. Here’s 5 helpful tips you can follow to help your child develop to their potential7.

  1. Imitate and play with their early speech sounds. Treat every communication attempt as meaningful. Try to respond with affection and attention each time. Don’t be afraid to sound silly as you repeat back to the child their sounds and early words
  2. Enrich your day to day interactions with language. Use every opportunity to comment and narrate what is going on in the world round you and your child.
  3. Make it fun! Stimulate interaction with games like peek-a-boo. Sing nursery rhymes with your child. Follow your child’s interests and play preferences or make up nonsense words can help them learn more about different sounds and rhyming words.
  4. Model, model, model! Repeat clear and exaggerated sounds as an opportunity for your child to imitate you. If your child mispronounces a sound, simply model the correct pronunciation and DO NOT focus on the mistake – make this a positive experience. E.g. If your child says ‘I heard funder’ instead of ‘thunder’, you could respond with interest by saying ‘Oh, you heard thunder? I heard it too. The thunder was so loud!’
  5. Practice sounds face-to-face with your child or side by side in the mirror. This will allow them to see your mouth movements as you say each sound. Get them to copy your mouth movements. This way you can easily see what they are doing with their lips, tongue and teeth. You can add some silly faces in there to make it extra fun!

What can you do if you suspect your child’s speech sounds aren’t following the typical developmental pattern?

If you notice that your child continues to have speech sound errors past the developmentally appropriate age then early intervention is best. Start by including as many of the tips above in day-to-day life and book in to get assistance from a speech pathology service. Speech Pathologists are specifically trained to be able to identify speech sounds disorders and are uniquely skilled in therapy approaches to target a speech sound error.

If your child is heading towards school age and is often difficult to understand or showing mispronunciation of words, we recommend bringing them in for a speech sound assessment.

Feel free to book an initial consultation on our website or give us a call on (02) 7209 3838 if you have any questions!


  1. Rao, C. S. (2015). The intelligibility of English sounds: A study of phonetics. English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN, 1682-3257.
  2. Berk, L. E. (2013). Child Development (9th Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education.
    Bloom, L., & Lahey, M. (1978). Language development and language disorders. New York, NY, US: John Wiley & Sons.
  3. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2007). Childhood apraxia of speech [Technical Report].
  4. Shriberg, L. (1993). Four new speech and voice-prosody measures for genetics research and other studies in developmental phonological disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 36, 105–140.
  5. ASHA. n.d. Speech Sound Disorders. [online]
  6. Harrison, L. J., & McLeod, S. (2010). Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 53(2), 508. Risk and protective factors associated with speech and language impairment in a nationally representative sample of 4- to 5-year-old children.
  7. Levy, A., 2018. speech sounds – What to Expect and How to Help your Child Learn Sounds | Clear Communicators Speech Therapy. [online] Clear Communicators Speech Therapy.
Speech Sounds: Child Development Guide | Talkshop (2024)


At what age should a child pronounce all sounds correctly? ›

These sounds may not be consistently correct until 7 - 8 years: 'sh', 'ch', 'j', 'l', 'r', 'th'. How accurately the sounds are produced. If your child has a lisp (puts their tongue between their teeth for 's' e.g. 'thock' for 'sock') they do not need therapy until they have their second teeth.

What are the sounds of speech development? ›

Speech sounds are either consonants, such as 'p' 'n' 'f', or vowels, such as 'a' 'e' 'o'. By the age of 5-7 years, most children have learnt to use these sounds and can be understood by other people. Some sounds take longer to learn than others. They can be grouped into 'early' 'middle' and 'later' sounds.

When to worry about speech sounds? ›

By five or six years old, nearly all words will be clear and easy to understand. Children who say words like a much younger child, or who say their words in an unusual or unpredictable way, might need extra help from a speech and language therapist.

What are the hardest letters for toddlers to say? ›

That the hardest sounds for children to learn are often the l, r, s, th, and z is probably not surprising to many parents, who regularly observe their children mispronouncing these sounds or avoiding words that use these letters. Typically, such behavior is completely normal for children.

At what age should all speech sounds be mastered? ›

Early Developing Sounds develop between ages 1 and 3, and are consistent around age 3. Middle Developing Sounds develop between ages 3 and 6.5, and are consistent around age 5.5. Late Developing Sounds develop between ages 5 and 7.5, and are consistent around age 7.5.

What age should speech sounds be mastered? ›

Expected Ages of Speech Sound Acquisition
Speech SoundAge of Expected AcquisitionAge of Expected Mastery
j4 years7 years
v4 years8 years
th (voiceless as in “think”)4.5 years7 years
th (voiced – as in “the”)5 years8 years
20 more rows

Which speech sound develops first? ›

The first speech sounds your baby makes will likely include sounds made with your lips / M, B, P/, sounds made in the back of the throat / G,K/ or sounds made with the tongue and alveolar ridge together /D,T/.

What sounds should my child be saying? ›

Most children master the following sounds at the following ages: around 3 years: b, p, m, n, h, d, k, g, ng (as in 'sing'), t, w, f, y. around 4-5 years: sh, zh, ch, j, s and cluster sounds tw, kw, gl, bl. around 6 years: l, r, v and cluster sounds pl, kl, kr, fl, tr, st, dr, br, fr, gr, sn, sk, sw, sp, str, spl.

What are three phases of speech sounds? ›

Three stages

The production of spoken language involves three major levels of processing: conceptualization, formulation, and articulation.

Can too much TV cause speech delay? ›

More Screen Time Equals More Developmental Delays in Toddlers. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics Edition reported that more screen time in 1-year-old children was associated with developmental delays in communication and problem-solving at ages 2 through 4 years.

At what age is speech considered delayed? ›

by 2 years: can only imitate speech or actions and doesn't produce words or phrases spontaneously. by 2 years: says only some sounds or words repeatedly and can't use oral language to communicate more than their immediate needs. by 2 years: can't follow simple directions.

What is Einstein's syndrome? ›

Einstein syndrome is when a child develops language skills later than typically expected, yet is gifted in other areas, such as musical talent or analytical skills. The term “Einstein syndrome” was developed in 1993 by American economist Thomas Sowell.

What is the hardest word for kids to say? ›

Here are some of the words that are commonly mispronounced by kids and the sounds that they have difficulty with.
  • S initial words such as “sun” or “sandwich”. ...
  • Words with sounds of R such as “rabbit” or “red”. ...
  • Words with L such as “light”, “love”, and “leg”. ...
  • Words with sounds of TH such as “three”, “tooth”, and “bath”.
Aug 10, 2023

Can a 2 year old say A to Z? ›

Typically, by the age of three, children should be able to recite the alphabet. However, every child is different. Some toddlers may learn in their twos, and others might not pick it up until the late threes. Children generally learn how to recite the alphabet through repetition.

Should a 2 year old be able to say ABCS? ›

Around age 2: Kids start recognizing some letters and can sing or say aloud the “ABC” song. Around age 3: Kids may recognize about half the letters in the alphabet and start to connect letters to their sounds. (Like s makes the /s/ sound.)

Is it normal for a 4 year old to not pronounce the S sound? ›

Did you know that many young children have difficulty with the S sound? While it is a common sound error, most children can correctly produce the S sound by the age of five. If you are worried about your child's speech you may need to consult with a speech and language pathologist.

Is it normal for a 5 year old to not speak clearly? ›

Sometimes children overcome the delay by the time they enter kindergarten. However, a speech delay can also signal an underlying problem that needs specialized intervention. Seeking help as early as possible goes a long way toward improving your child's skills and supporting their ability to succeed.

Why is my 2 year old not pronouncing words correctly? ›

If your child has a speech disorder, you'll probably need help from a professional. It's best to consider seeking help if your child: sounds very immature for their age or uses only a few speech sounds. doesn't pronounce words the way you'd expect for their age.

Why is my 4 year old not speaking properly? ›

There can be several reasons why your 4-year-old child is not talking. Some possible reasons can be hearing loss, neurological disorders, intellectual disability, lack of language stimulation at home, cognitive delay, and delayed motor and speech and language development.


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