Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (2024)

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (1)

Even in a magnetic field environment

High torque, high responsiveness, high controllability

Motor for stable movement

​Piezo Sonic Motor

-High torque ultrasonic motor

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (2)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (3)

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​Such concernsIs there?

The problemOurPiezosonicmotorbut
We will solve it! !

I want a motor that maintains its posture even when no power is applied.

using a motor,Works even in magnetic field environmentsI want to make a product

​I want a small, lightweight, high torque motor


? ?

What is a piezosonic motor?

Rotational energy is generated without using coils or magnets, but by applying voltage.

It uses piezoelectric ceramic that deforms when applied.

The amount of deformation of the piezoelectric ceramic is amplified by a metal part called the stator, and by controlling that deformation, rotational motion is created on the stator surface.

This rotational motion causes a frictional force on the rotor pressing against the stator.

This causes the rotor to rotate. The shaft is fixed to this rotor and transmits the motor's torque and rotation to the outside.

Since this frictional force is constantly generated, even when the power is not energized or controlled,

It can maintain its position (high holding force), and since no gears are used in the parts, direct drive without backlash can be achieved.

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (4)

Our products: PSM60N-B, PSM60N-ET

​<Explanatory video>

​Features of piezosonic motors

Point 1 High torque/quiet
Point 2 High holding power when no current is applied
Point 3: Compact, lightweight, and thin
Point 4 Can be used even in magnetic field environments
Point 5 Successfully extended lifespan

Point 01

High torque/quiet

The piezosonic motor has a high torque of 1.2N/m and is quieter than other companies' motors and ultrasonic motors.

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (5)

​Motor torque-speed characteristics

​ Number of revolutions


Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (6)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (7)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (8)

dc motor

stepper motor

piezo sonic motor

The piezosonic motor has a high torque of 1.2N/m and operates quietly compared to other companies' motors and ultrasonic motors.

Point 02

​High holding power when no current is applied

Piezosonic motors generate frictional force all the time, so they can maintain their position even when not energized or controlled (high holding force), and since they do not use gears in their parts, they are quiet.

Direct drive without backlash can be achieved.

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (9)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (10)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (11)

Piezo Sonic Motor

Maintains posture even when power is off

Not a piezosonic motor,

If you use other motors, the posture cannot be maintained​ when the power is off

Point 03

​Small, lightweight, thin


Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (12)

500ml plastic bottle
half the weight

It weighs approximately 250g, which is half the weight of a 500ml plastic bottle, making it lightweight.

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (13)

The size is


Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (14)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (15)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (16)

​Without shaft
Height 2.6cmThin

​It is a thin and lightweight ultrasonic motor with a height of 2.6 cm without the shaft.

Point 04

​Can also be used in magnetic field environment

Piezosonic motors do not use coils or magnets to generate rotational energy, making them suitable for use in magnetic field environments or zero gravity.

It's the perfect motor.

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (17)

Can be used in magnetic environments such as medical equipment MRI

Point 05

Successfully extended life

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (18)

Rated Torque

Maximum torque

​Rotation speed range




Performance ratio with conventional products

​ *Calculated based on the same size of other companies as 100

Conventional ultrasonic motors suffer from heavy wear.

The drawback was that it had a short lifespan.

However, by reviewing the structure and materials used, the piezosonic motor has achieved a lifespan of 6,000 hours with intermittent operation, making it possible to replace a stepping motor.


​The above five pointsFields where piezosonic motors can be used

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (19)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (20)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (21)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (22)

Piezosonic motors have light rotating parts and low inertia, so when the drive signal stops, they instantly come to a standstill due to frictional force. This enables precise positioning, making it useful in research institutions.

It maintains its posture even when the power is off, and there is no need to worry about dangerous movements in the event of a sudden power outage or disaster, making it safe and secure. Can be used even in magnetic field environments. Highly controllable and active in the medical field.

​Since it can maintain its posture even when power is off, it is safe and secure without the worry of dangerous movements in the event of a sudden power outage or disaster. It is useful for equipment used in factories.

​Piezosonic motors are very quiet and maintain their posture even when not energized, making them highly safe, making them useful in new products that support and assist in daily life.

What is a piezosonic motor?

Introduction on TV and magazines

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (23)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (24)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (25)

<Tokyo site>



Publication in newspapers and websites
20 pieces

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (26)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (27)
Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (28)

<Forbes JAPAN>

<The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun>

<Electronic Device Industry Newspaper>

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (29)

​For those who are concerned about product development

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (30)

Piezosonics demands high precision

Taking advantage of our motor design capabilities and IoT technology cultivated through the development of autonomous mobile robots, Piezo Sonic works with our customers to come up with a concrete image of the product based on their image of what they want to make, and then we can prototype and mass-produce the product. We will cooperate with you.

​We can also assist with conceptual design and concept design with end users in mind.

​Click here for inquiries

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(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

Contact us via the form

Ultrasonic motor LP | Piezo Sonic ultrasonic motors (2024)


What are the different types of ultrasonic motors? ›

More generally, there are two types of motors, contact and non-contact, the latter of which is rare and requires a working fluid to transmit the ultrasonic vibrations of the stator toward the rotor.

How does a sonic motor work? ›

An ultrasonic motor rotates a rotor by using ultrasonic waves with high frequencies more than 20,000Hz which a human cannot hear. The ultrasonic motor generates ultrasonic waves using piezoelectric elements, while conventional motors use permanent magnets or coils to rotate a rotor.

What is the history of ultrasonic motor? ›

It has been known for more than 30 years now, that the first ultrasonic motor was introduced by V.V Lavrinko in the year 1965. An ultrasonic motor is a type of electric motor produced from the ultrasonic vibration of a module; the stator will be placed against the rotor depending on the scheme of operation.

What is the future scope of ultrasonic motor? ›

In future, these motors may find applications in the fields like automobile industry, nano-positioning, microelectronics, Micro Electro Mechanical System technology and consumer goods.

What is the difference between sonic and ultrasonic? ›

The term “sonic” refers to sound waves in the region of 16 Hz up to 20 kHz, whereas ultrasonic waves range from 20 kHz to 1 GHz.

What is the difference between sonic and ultrasonic frequency? ›

streaming velocity of the irrigant has an effect on the cleaning efficacy. The streaming velocity is related to the frequency and the frequency of sonic equipment is between 1000 and 6000 Hz and ultrasonic is at least between 20,000 to 30,000Hz (Table 2).

Where are ultrasonic motors used? ›

Ultrasonic motors, which have superior characteristics like high torque at low speed, absence of magnetic interference, and compactness in size, are good candidates for medical applications, automation, robotics, aerospace engineering and various other fields.

How does Sonic turn into ultrasonic? ›

Sonic used the Super Emerald to transform into Ultra Sonic, leading the Time Beam away from Knothole and allowing himself to get hit by it. Sonic remained unaffected other than gaining green eyes. Ultra Sonic also has an open connection to the Chaos Force, such as using Chaos Control to fire a powerful energy beam.

What is a piezo motor? ›

A piezo motor is a device that can be used for a variety of precision applications in many different fields. The basic purpose of piezo motors is to generate motion based on small deformations of a material when an electrical current is applied.

What is piezo motors and ultrasonic motors? ›

Ultrasonic resonant motors (PILine®) are characterized by very high acceleration and speed to 800 mm/sec and feature a compact and relatively simple design. Piezo-Walk motors (piezo stepping motors) can achieve much higher forces and picometer range resolution but are not as fast.

What is the application of ultrasonic motor? ›

Ultrasonic motors provide precise and controlled motion, making them ideal for robotic arms, grippers, and other robotic components. They enable robots to perform tasks requiring high precision, such as assembly, pick-and-place operations, and even delicate surgery in the field of medical robotics.

What is the actuator of the ultrasonic motor? ›

Ultrasonic motor (USM) is an actuator that converts characteristic vibration (resonance) of several μm in amplitude generated in the metallic elastic body (transducer, stator) into rotation or translational movement of motive elements (rotor, slider) with friction.

What are the disadvantages of ultrasonic? ›

Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Testing Techniques:

More expensive than other methods. Difficult to use on thin materials. Part Geometry can cause complications. Needs relatively smooth surface to couple transducer.

What are 3 disadvantages of using ultrasonic sensors? ›

Some common disadvantages of conventional ultrasonic sensors include limited testing distance, inaccurate readings, and inflexible scanning methods. All of these drawbacks, however, can be mitigated and even overcome with the right NDT tools and techniques.

What are the five uses of ultrasonic? ›

Five uses of ultrasonic sounds are:
  • These sounds are used for imaging and scanning internal organs of the body.
  • It is used for relieving pain in muscles and joints.
  • It is used to detect faults in metal sheets and blocks.
  • These sounds are used for the removal of grease or dirt from materials.
Jul 3, 2022

What are the different types of ultrasonic units? ›

Ultrasonic units have their own electric generator, separate from the dental unit. They also have their own foot pedal which attaches to the device itself. There are two types of ultrasonic scaler devices: magnetostrictive and piezoelectric.

What are the two types of ultrasonic devices? ›

According to the working modes of ultrasound, it can be divided into dynamic ultrasonic equipment such as continuous and circulating type, and static ultrasonic equipment such as ultrasound baths and ultrasound probes [14], the static ultrasonic equipment being more commonly used in the laboratory.

What are the different types of ultrasonic waves? ›

Longitudinal wave and transverse wave

There are types of ultrasonic waves, longitudinal wave, transverse wave and surface wave, etc.


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